[Aurora] Is PC gaming dying?

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Resi Evil 4 > Your fav game.
Jan 19, 2007
S.S Normandy
Empire total war, CoH, Witcher, Stalker, warhammer, demigod, supreme commander 2, warcraft, empire earth 3, sins of solar empire ... lots more really ... expanisions of certain games etc etc
besides warcraft and witcher i haven't got a single clue about what the rest of the games are lol, well i guess that's to be expected, niche PC games that no one cares about stay on the PC, where as the one's that gain popularity all jump ship eventually.

People who like FPS ... ask any owner of a console + PC ... they will tell you they prefer playing FPS on the PC. I said people who prefer RTS and FPS ... both of which come on the consoles, but are simply better to play on the PC. Denying this wont change the fact that it is so, and people with consoles and PC will tell you the same. FPS are better played on the mouse ... enough said.
"better" is such a subjective term, with the amounts of aim assist that console FPS's throw at a player, there's hardly a difference, and some people just like playing with the pad, which would explain the popularity of the 360 pad for PC gamers as well.

this point is still subjective though as if you're someone who has most of his friends on console to play with, you'll play the console version as well even if you have the PC version and a PC capable of running it.

In the numbers maybe yes, but when the most hyped up console games goes to PCs ... like RE, DMC, MGS, SFIV ... there really is a balance in the comparision ... on quality if not quantity.
so you're saying that, say, RE5 is better quality or "more hyped" than Crysis 2 ? :p

totally agree'd from my end, but i don't think many others will agree :p

but you know, companies like Remedy jumping ship and making console EXCLUSIVE games now, or formerly PC exclusive companies like Bioware making console titles, speaks large volumes for Quality as well. Hell, Devilscallmedad's favorite franchise Gothic is also coming to the consoles.

They commend the superior graphics. They do comparisions.
but never rate the actual product any higher based on slight graphical differences.

So they like consoles. Still they have PCs. That might ring a bell to you that maybe PCs are good for gaming as well as consoles and your PC dying claim is false ? There are LOADS of people who own both PCs and consoles. They would have never had a PC had it been dying.
actually, the way i'm seeing it, more PC gamers are now shifting towards console just so they can get to play the games, this includes YOU too ahsan, so yeah, sounds pretty much like you guys future proofing so you're not left with a single dying system. ;)

what were you going to buy a 360 for ahsan, the racing games right, WELL WHY DONT YOU PLAY THOSE RACING GAMES ON YOUR GAMING PC lol ? :p

@kane, i can only look and laugh at the mess your posts are, are you trying to make yourself look like a fool ?
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Jul 10, 2007
cod4 players are definitely more on the x360 then on the pc every moron would know that... u can compare the original game sales and you will have the picture... plus if someone is playin cod4 online on pc through a pirated copy he isnt getting the full experience anyways cuz of the limited amount of server choices available
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Apr 16, 2009
Oh boy...I took a nap for a while and I'm waking up to this. I tried my best to read all the posts. But all of them said the same thing in different words.

Focused development on PC means no peanuts for consoles.
Yeah. So even when next-gen consoles were here, we STILL got TWO kick-ass exclusives (Crysis, Crysis Warhead), which will never be seen on the console. Why do you ignore that? Does it mean console gaming was 'dying' back then according to Crytek? MGS4 didn't make its way to the PC (or X360), and the last time I checked, Metal Gear Rising will be released for the PC and x360 as well (correct me if it was cancelled). Is PC gaming still 'dying'? Its fair to say what X360 has, has way more chances of it coming to the PC...things are different on the Sony side though.

The PC provides the grounds for taking next step. Valve's Source changed everything in 03-04 and Doom3 provided a true leap to next gen. Then Far Cry. All with FOCUSED PC development where the consoles could rot
So lets just wait for the transition period. When people will be saving 'f**k-tons' of money to buy their next console. Afterall, you must buy every gen of console right? Exactly what the manufacturers want :p

Right now, we get the "mufta" ports on PC which run better just because of PCs being powerful. IMO, their potentials aren't being pushed to the limits, like the consoles.
True. PC games, down to the core, are now limited to what the consoles can do. But don't forget features like 'Shadow Density' in GTA 4 which was exclusive to the PC (now go on, tell me it doesn't matter coz you can't have it). They still take it up a notch by improving on the res, textures and blah blah, and I speak for myself or any other PC-only gamer when I say it matters and I can easily spot the differences. If someones else eye isn't capable of doing that, they have been gaming on the console for far too long, but the differences ARE there. If your screen is small or not even an HDTV for that matter, then you are NOT playing the way the dev intended it to be played so i don't blame you when you can't spot the differences.

Shyber its not a wise business decision for most console-only developers to spend all the money to make a PC version of a game from scratch, hence they simply port it. But you can expect otherwise from Crytek. Companies STILL port it over. So PC gaming isn't dying. If the majority neglects it altogether, then you can say that. Yes there are some exclusives id rather have a console for, but the list is not that long. Some people would rather play a better version of the multiplatform games on the PC rather than own a console for the extra exclusives they might not even care about. So its all very subjective to say consoles are a better investment.

To me atleast PC gaming right now is satisfactory. Not the best it can be, but just good enough. If you read my first post, even my 3 years old PC can run all the games at console equivalent quality. Hows that for not having to upgrade all the time?

People who are not even FPS players, try to keep the arguments where they can still be related to you. What I mean to say is, I don't give a f**k how well Halo is doing coz im just not all gaga over it (or FF or other 'big' names out there). If its something I don't like, I couldn't care less even if it was on the PC.

As for delayed releases, we can thank piracy for that. It DOES not mean PC are a dying breed. It all depends on the developers. Wasn't Prototype released simultaneously on the consoles AND PC? (1 or 2 days later perhaps)
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Screww you guys, im going home
Jan 20, 2007
Karachi !
how do you spell pointless?

if you were to listen to the pc defense force at PG you'd think PC were the best platform ever and there are games comin out of its asshole!


Apr 16, 2009
Excuse me, but people are trying to have a discussion here. If you have something useful to contribute, by all means do. Obviously thickheads missed the point and can't see the other side of the story...or are they being stupid on purpose? No wait...its just another xbot. Carry on with the one-liners please, you might just come up with something worth laughing at.
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PG Pioneering Member
PG Pioneering Member
Oct 11, 2007
The Land Down Under
Oh boy...I took a nap for a while and I'm waking up to this. I tried my best to read all the posts. But all of them said the same thing in different words.
Lol yeah. Perhaps these guys realize that Shyber's asleep at night and do their nocturnal discussions :p

Yeah. So even when next-gen consoles were here, we STILL got TWO kick-ass exclusives (Crysis, Crysis Warhead), which will never be seen on the console. Why do you ignore that? Does it mean console gaming was 'dying' back then according to Crytek? MGS4 didn't make its way to the PC (or X360), and the last time I checked, Metal Gear Rising will be released for the PC and x360 as well (correct me if it was cancelled). Is PC gaming still 'dying'? Its fair to say what X360 has, has way more chances of it coming to the PC...things are different on the Sony side though.
Lemme get one thing pretty straight. "Dying" is a pretty poor choice of word. Hibernation, yeah may be. But what can best describe the situation is "PC dev taking a back seat" when it comes to dev focus. Back in the time, there was a considerably distinction between PC games and Console games, where guys like Valve, IDtech, Gearbox, Crytek, etc focused merely on PC game development because of its advance and constantly evolving hardware - allowing them to raise the bar of graphics, presentations and gameplay with subsequent releases of their games, engines and tech.

Times changed. Where PC used to be the focus of game development, it has taken a back seat and now more importance is given to consoles. It's not that PC gaming is coming DOWN. It's like its progress graph is flattening where console development, focus and progress is catching up to it (and at this point in time) crossed over it. So it's like Consoles now have everything significant that PC does, and its AAA list of exclusives outweigh the PC exclusives.

Last generation saw a genre made mainstream on consoles which was tought difficult and cumbersome - FPSs. I too think that FPSs are better off with a mouse and keyboard but after spending just a bit of time with them on consoles, I realized that it's pretty cool and not as cumbersome as I had imagined. So yeah, playing FPSs lying down on your back on a stretched Sofa with a gamepad is rather appealing for a guy who's tired after a day's work at the office :)

This generation, we saw even RTSs being attempted. Personally, I never have been a fan of RTS genre so I don't even try them. Even less on consoles now. But for people who do, they can on the consoles as well. Something they couldn't before. Who's gaining here?

PC's biggest advantage used to be its online gaming capabilities. I remember playing Twisted Metal 2 on a modem with my cousin once back in 1998 I think. Heh. Starting from last gen and peaking this generation, online gaming has taken over. You're never short of online servers and effortless P2P gaming allows for pretty cool latencies with your friends. There are too many people already playing the game at ANY time of the day. It's not that this is something the PC doesn't have. It's that that consoles have that too and PC lost this advantage as well.

So when you got consoles providing everything a PC does, rather economically, negligible quality differences (let's say you got a 32" HDTV), effortless gaming online and offline AND the added benefits of certain stellar exclusives that aren't on PC and at the luxury of playing multiplayer OFFLINE games without any hassle or mess, from your couch - I can see what a guy's choice will be.

As a perfectionist gamer, well, you can see my gaming platforms, can't you? :p I really don't wanna miss out on anything, so I got everything.

So lets just wait for the transition period. When people will be saving 'f**k-tons' of money to buy their next console. Afterall, you must buy every gen of console right? Exactly what the manufacturers want :p
For me, MGS series is over. Perhaps Final Fantasy might come to PC too but seems unlikely right now but as long as there's a console exclusive from a dev whose work I love, I'll be buying a console. In fact, single console parties, offline multiplayer, hassle free gaming, etc are factors that'll always incline me towards consoles.

PC attracts me when it's being focused upon. Like Crysis (which I personally didn't enjoy and I skipped Warhead 'cos I was already quite annoyed by Psycho's character). The game didn't appeal to me though, I liked COD4 over it more :p but I still remember the day when I downloaded its 1GB demo from Guru3D and started it up setting everything to full. Got a call from friend while I was playing and I was getting a "Hello? HELLO? Fawad you're there?" from him.

I'm actually waiting for Valve's next engine as well as Doom4 when Carmack would say "Suck up console Abuses will lead to banes...limiting me to 2 DVDs eh? Making a mockery of my megatexture architecture hmm? NOW FEEL MY WRATH and feast your eyes upon true next gen."

True. PC games, down to the core, are now limited to what the consoles can do. But don't forget features like 'Shadow Density' in GTA 4 which was exclusive to the PC (now go on, tell me it doesn't matter coz you can't have it).
You think I'd do that? Watch your tone when talking to me. 'K?

They still take it up a notch by improving on the res, textures and blah blah, and I speak for myself or any other PC-only gamer when I say it matters and I can easily spot the differences. If someones else eye isn't capable of doing that, they have been gaming on the console for far too long, but the differences ARE there. If your screen is small or not even an HDTV for that matter, then you are NOT playing the way the dev intended it to be played so i don't blame you when you can't spot the differences.
Now this attitude is what gets you in trouble. The defensive "oh don't hurt me" thing. I admitted cosmetic upgrades and everything and PC always runs multiplats better, it's a pointless thing to argue upon. Those who can't patche their games well enough don't do PC gaming and don't have to right to diss it either. But that's besides the point. These cosmetic upgrades doesn't make or break the game's soul. My point is that PC can do better, easily. You can have full volumetric diffusible light during day hours and 100+ light sources of Killzone2 at night with Euphoria AND DMM AND highly detailed character models. If the game had been tailored specifically for a PC that outstrip's console's hardware specs, it can blow it apart.

PC gamers should demand more. Because their hardware is better. Just not better utilized. They're content with minor cosmetic upgrades and better FPSs that are just thrown in to make up for the considerably delayed releases. PC gamers can have more, and they should. They're in a league of their own and should be treated so, instead of months old ports of console titles.

Shyber its not a wise business decision for most console-only developers to spend all the money to make a PC version of a game from scratch, hence they simply port it. But you can expect otherwise from Crytek. Companies STILL port it over. So PC gaming isn't dying. If the majority neglects it altogether, then you can say that. Yes there are some exclusives id rather have a console for, but the list is not that long. Some people would rather play a better version of the multiplatform games on the PC rather than own a console for the extra exclusives they might not even care about. So its all very subjective to say consoles are a better investment.
The point isn't about console devs making a PC game from scratch. It's about PC devs shifting their focus to consoles. It's about men like Carmack compromising his algorithm for an inferior hardware - something NEVER done before. A guy who crafted his engine around a hardware that was PENDING to be released. Someone who strives to push the things to next level is focusing on consoles and even changing his game design because of DVD9 format.

Valve is playing more intelligently though. Using their PREVIOUS gen engines to make pretty good games. They probably realized that most console gamers aren't graphic Abuses will lead to bans and only care about playing a fun game, which Valve can easily make. Good news is that even 4 year old PC will run Valve's stuff butter smooth. ;)

To me atleast PC gaming right now is satisfactory.
Depends on what you're comparing it to, and what your expectations from it are. If you compare PC gaming with PC gaming from past then well, it's not really dying. There were Prince of Persias, Devil May Crys, Resident Evils, MGSs, Splinter Cells, Halos on it since forever but we see Burnout coming, which was a first. Then Street Fighter 4, probably the first fighter focused on PC since ages but still, the delayed releases are quite a nuisance. I mean for a guy like me who just has to have every major game on ASAP basis, 4-8 months is a pretty big gap.

Not the best it can be, but just good enough. If you read my first post, even my 3 years old PC can run all the games at console equivalent quality. Hows that for not having to upgrade all the time?
True, but even a 1lac PC won't run GeoW2, MGS4, Uncharted Series, RnC series, Fable2, Tekken, Ninja Gaiden, Killzone, Infamous, Jaffe's works, Resistance series, Last Guardian, God of War 3, GT5, Heavy Rain, and MOST importantly for me, Final Fantasy XIII and Versus. Then having delayed releases of gems like Conviction and Alan Wake is too much of a torture to endure.

If its something I don't like...
And that's exactly the problem. How can you like or dislike something without trying? I mean, look at the above list I posted. As a gamer, easily ignoring majority of those games is a pretty difficult thing.

As for delayed releases, we can thank piracy for that. It DOES not mean PC are a dying breed. It all depends on the developers. Wasn't Prototype released simultaneously on the consoles AND PC? (1 or 2 days later perhaps)
PC isn't dying as a gaming machine. It has already died as the lead platform. Point is, a gamer can survive without a "gaming PC" this generation. A PC only gamer, if realizes what he's missing on consoles, can't. Read: Survive. Not a perfectionaist who wants everything :p


Apr 16, 2009
So yeah, playing FPSs lying down on your back on a stretched Sofa with a gamepad is rather appealing for a guy who's tired after a day's work at the office :)
Get a gamepad for the PC.
It's that that consoles have that too and PC lost this advantage as well.
Losing an advantage is not nearly the same as not having it/losing it at all. Something alot of people cannot understand. So if anything, consoles are catching up, doesn't mean PC is going down (not that you said that).

So when you got consoles providing everything a PC does, rather economically, negligible quality differences (let's say you got a 32" HDTV), effortless gaming online and offline AND the added benefits of certain stellar exclusives that aren't on PC and at the luxury of playing multiplayer OFFLINE games without any hassle or mess, from your couch - I can see what a guy's choice will be.
Yeah..consoles today are not just consoles. They are meant to be the entertainment centre powerhouse. That translates to the zenith of console gaming. Not the downfall of PC gaming. If Bangladesh is getting better at cricket, it doesn't mean Australia sucks now :p

And since when was buying 32"inch HDTV for consoles considered economic? How many Xbox 360 owners here alone have a HDTV? Even Chandoo is using an age old CRT as far as I know. If you wana take the price of HDTV in account as well, then I don't need to tell you that console gaming gets as expensive as a high end PC. (high-end). As for LCDs on PC, even cheaper ones can do more than 720p. And to my knowledge, other than the Sharp AQUOS 32" HDTV, there aren't any hdtvs so small in size than can do 1080p.

As a perfectionist gamer, well, you can see my gaming platforms, can't you? :p I really don't wanna miss out on anything, so I got everything.
Your situation couldn't be better. But sadly majority of the population cannot afford that.

PC attracts me when it's being focused upon. Like Crysis (which I personally didn't enjoy and I skipped Warhead 'cos I was already quite annoyed by Psycho's character). The game didn't appeal to me though, I liked COD4 over it more :p but I still remember the day when I downloaded its 1GB demo from Guru3D and started it up setting everything to full. Got a call from friend while I was playing and I was getting a "Hello? HELLO? Fawad you're there?" from him.
Im not gonna argue with your taste...COD4 was all about its MP, but the single-player campaign in Crysis is one of the best I've ever played. I got hooked since the moment I ran the demo. Storytelling could be better, but its an action game (it was as good or bad as GeOW), but it was amazingly immersive nonetheless.

I'm actually waiting for Valve's next engine as well as Doom4 when Carmack would say "Suck up console Abuses will lead to banes...limiting me to 2 DVDs eh? Making a mockery of my megatexture architecture hmm? NOW FEEL MY WRATH and feast your eyes upon true next gen."
I'll be eagerly awaiting that moment too. And I'll make sure a topic for that exists here at PG :p

You think I'd do that? Watch your tone when talking to me. 'K?
I wasn't pointing any finger at you. Take a chill pill.
The point isn't about console devs making a PC game from scratch. It's about PC devs shifting their focus to consoles. It's about men like Carmack compromising his algorithm for an inferior hardware - something NEVER done before. A guy who crafted his engine around a hardware that was PENDING to be released. Someone who strives to push the things to next level is focusing on consoles and even changing his game design because of DVD9 format.

They're in a league of their own and should be treated so, instead of months old ports of console titles.
The devs will run wherever they can make more money. Crysis, Assassins Creed, The Sims 2, Fallout 3, Pro Evolution Soccer 2009, GTA: SA, COD4 etc were some of the most pirated games on the PC last year. Did that stop the devs from abandoning the platform? Aren't we getting Crysis 2, AC2, PES 2010, GTA 4, MW2 and so on? Everything boils down to piracy. Theres nothing more to it.

True, but even a 1lac PC won't run GeoW2, MGS4, Uncharted Series, RnC series, Fable2, Tekken, Ninja Gaiden, Killzone, Infamous, Jaffe's works, Resistance series, Last Guardian, God of War 3, GT5, Heavy Rain, and MOST importantly for me, Final Fantasy XIII and Versus. Then having delayed releases of gems like Conviction and Alan Wake is too much of a torture to endure.
Agreed. I did say there are some exclusives for which I do own the console. Im not limiting myself to PC gaming only as well.

And that's exactly the problem. How can you like or dislike something without trying? I mean, look at the above list I posted. As a gamer, easily ignoring majority of those games is a pretty difficult thing.
Ill let your own words answer that question:
"Personally, I never have been a fan of RTS genre so I don't even try them. Even less on consoles now."
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PG Pioneering Member
PG Pioneering Member
Oct 11, 2007
The Land Down Under
Get a gamepad for the PC.
And get my ass kicked? :p
On consoles, everyone's on even ground and the game's movement is tailored around a pad's sensitivity with assists and everything.

Losing an advantage is not nearly the same as not having it/losing it at all.
Losing an advantage is not losing. Yeah, that's what I said but most PC gamers aren't better off console gamers either, portraying PC gaming as if nothing is better than it.

Yeah..consoles today are not just consoles. They are meant to be the entertainment centre powerhouse. That translates to the zenith of console gaming. Not the downfall of PC gaming. If Bangladesh is getting better at cricket, it doesn't mean Australia sucks now :p
Worst. Analogy. Ever.
You can do better than this. ;)

And since when was buying 32"inch HDTV for consoles considered economic? How many Xbox 360 owners here alone have a HDTV? Even Chandoo is using an age old CRT as far as I know.
LOL @ EVEN Chandoo.
(lmao) OMG Ahahahahaha. I guess you really don't know him.

Your situation couldn't be better. But sadly majority of the population cannot afford that.
True, but that doesn't give'em a right to whine about it :p

Im not gonna argue with your taste...COD4 was all about its MP, but the single-player campaign in Crysis is one of the best I've ever played. I got hooked since the moment I ran the demo. Storytelling could be better, but its an action game (it was as good or bad as GeOW), but it was amazingly immersive nonetheless.
I'd say Crysis was better then Gears1 but there were lotsa inconsistencies that didn't allow me to like it.

I'll be eagerly awaiting that moment too. And I'll make sure a topic for that exists here at PG :p
Hahahaha. Fanboy. :lol:

I wasn't pointing any finger at you. Take a chill pill.
Well, you had a few quotes of mine in there, so I though you were talking to me. Don't worry, I'm chill. I just don't take BS from anyone.

Did that stop the devs from abandoning the platform?
That's not my argument. No dev is really keen about releasing PC exclusives now. Even if they are, they're a neglible minority compared to those who're making things multiplat.

Agreed. I did say there are some exclusives for which I do own the console. Im not limiting myself to PC gaming only as well.
Yeah I know. Hence you see me trying to talk to you.

Ill let your own words answer that question:
"Personally, I never have been a fan of RTS genre so I don't even try them. Even less on consoles now."
Yeah, now I don't even botehr about a game if it's an RTS. I've had my goes at some of them and that style of play just doesn't appeal to me. Probably only two RTSs that I've ever "FINISHED" and those were Rise of Nations and AOE3. That's about it. But I did try it and made up my mind after the experience and NOT that I made up my mind without even trying :p


Apr 16, 2009
And get my ass kicked? :p
On consoles, everyone's on even ground and the game's movement is tailored around a pad's sensitivity with assists and everything.
I was talking about games other than FPS. I would NEVER pick up a gamepad for some serious FPS MP session. No matter how tired I am. The only exception being Resistance and KZ2. I love those games too much to ignore it.

Worst. Analogy. Ever.
You can do better than this.
Oh come on... now you're getting too serious. It was just added for the lulz.

LOL @ EVEN Chandoo.
(lmao) OMG Ahahahahaha. I guess you really don't know him.
I would love to know more than the obvious fanboyism he portrays ;)

Hahahaha. Fanboy. :lol:
You don't have anything to fear, do you? :lol:

That's not my argument. No dev is really keen about releasing PC exclusives now. Even if they are, they're a neglible minority compared to those who're making things multiplat.
Piracy. Piracy. Piracy. Piracy. Piracy. Not gonna say anything else from now on.
Yeah I know. Hence you see me trying to talk to you.
And for gaming's sake I'm putting up with FFX. Its haaard getting into, but Im not letting the usual stuff bother me.


PG Pioneering Member
PG Pioneering Member
Oct 11, 2007
The Land Down Under
I was talking about games other than FPS. I would NEVER pick up a gamepad for some serious FPS MP session. No matter how tired I am. The only exception being Resistance and KZ2. I love those games too much to ignore it.
And you think controls really get into your way of having fun with those?

Oh come on... now you're getting too serious. It was just added for the lulz.
Yeah I know. I commented on the quality of lulz :p

I would love to know more than the obvious fanboyism he portrays ;)
Work harder :D

You don't have anything to fear, do you? :lol:
It's the fanboys who have to fear me. ;)

Piracy. Piracy. Piracy. Piracy. Piracy. Not gonna say anything else from now on.
Funny how piracy kills PC games and how the lack of it makes PS3 look bad. :lol:

And for gaming's sake I'm putting up with FFX. Its haaard getting into, but Im not letting the usual stuff bother me.
Where you at in it? On my wall, this convo will continue.


Apr 16, 2009
And you think controls really get into your way of having fun with those?
Not really. But I know my reflexes and aiming will be more fruitful if I was using a mouse/keyboard.
Funny how piracy kills PC games and how the lack of it makes PS3 look bad. :lol:
Hahaha very true. Opposite of both extremes. One does too much, other not at all.


FUCK Y 'all !
Jan 25, 2009
Oh MAN! i can't read all of that :mushy: keep the posts short & don't repeat the same points over :/


PG Pioneering Member
PG Pioneering Member
Oct 11, 2007
The Land Down Under
Not really. But ...
My point made :)
Sure, precision would be nice, but in no way the current configs hamper the fun factor in the games. FPS have nailed it on the consoles. And I see the same kinda trend being established for RTSs.

Hahaha very true. Opposite of both extremes. One does too much, other not at all.
Yeah, and just about the right amount on 360. Balance is what can be associated with it, that's all.

Oh MAN! i can't read all of that :mushy: keep the posts short & don't repeat the same points over :/
Just read from my thesis onwards and you'll do fine.
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Feb 11, 2008
you can't even play tales of vesperia on PC dude, and nomad considers that the best jrpg of the current gen, and nomad's the freaking PC advocate king here lol
I do consider Tales of Vesperia the best JRPG of this gen so far. But I don't consider it the best RPG of the past couple of years. That honor belongs to Witcher. But sadly you wouldn't know much about that as that is a PC exclusive title :p

Wait, wasn't a console version for it being released. Care to tell us what happened to it :p

wow nomad is such a backstabber isn't he lol, he prances around as the biggest PC gaming advocate on the site, yet his favorite games of various aspects are all console titles. lol
even the most highest level of PC advocates prefer console gaming for some (or the most) part. See, Nomad's favorite game of all time.
Since you seem obsessed with what I like :p, here is a list I posted in September 2009 in "PG's vote for your favorite game" thread.
1. Metal Gear Solid 1, Farcry
2. Zelda 64: Ocarina of Time, Super Mario 64
3. Resident Evil 4
4. The Longest Journey
5. Chrono Cross, Dragon Quest VIII
6. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
7. Call of Duty 4 (Only Multiplayer)
8. Gothic 2
9. Warcraft 3, Diablo 2
10. God of War, Shadow of the Colossus

Although there have been a couple of changes in my opinion since then (Uncharted a bit higher, above RE4).

Amongst these 15 games I played 11 on my PC (N64 and PS1 games through emulator). Five of these are PC exclusives.

And right now I can play 14 of these games on my PC. If I only had a PS3 and 360, I would have been able to play only two of these games.

I don't think i know any such console gamer, shyber was a PC gamer first then he bought the consoles, Nomad's the same, even YOU a PC gamer are seriously considering a console.
Didn't you buy a Gefore card when you already had a 360? :lol:

Battlefield 1942's sequel is a console exclusive
WHAT? o_O. I have played Battlefield 2142 on my PC :p. And before getting on the bandwagon for Battlefield 1943, take a look at Battlefield Heroes :p

how do you know diablo is better than vesperia ? have you played vesperia ? i don't think so, i on the other hand have played both the diablo games AND vesperia, hence my opinion on the subject is a lot higher valued than yours :D
So, according to your "a lot higher valued" opinion, is Tales of Vesperia a better game than Diablo 2?
Tales of Vesperia is the best JRPG of this gen so far. But that is because there hasn't been any real good JRPG this gen. Comparing it with one of the greatest games of all time is really dumb.

There are more players who play Call of Duty 4 Online on the xbox 360 ALONE, then the total number of World of Warcraft players.
secondly, we all know there are free WoW servers as well.

thirdly, WoW has free trials for first-timers as well, just like xbox live.
LOL. There have been 13 million individual profiles that have logged on LIVE for COD4. There aren't 13 million active players of COD4 on LIVE :p. Just look at Kane's example.

And all those WOW numbers are of subscribers at THAT particular time. People paying monthly for THAT particular game. Those figures don't include players playing on cracked servers. Actual number of players playing the game is a lot higher.

So, no, i don't think there's any chance that more PC people will play modern warfare 2 compared to 360 people.
If you had said that 360 version will sell more than PC version than I would have agreed with you. But there is a very good chance that total number of players actually playing the game will be higher on PC. You can't really compare user base of PC and 360.

pirated copies don't count towards actual sales,
Pirated copies don't count towards actual sales. But anybody playing the game with a pirated copy on 360 IS counted towards total number of players. While that is not the case for PC.


Apr 9, 2009
Behind yer back
@kane, i can only look and laugh at the mess your posts are, are you trying to make yourself look like a fool ?
All i was saying in my last post that i can prove it that i got 12 profiles on xbox live!( me got 12 profiles= xbox live thinking me =12

2nd about ids why would anyone make american id if he or she is living in uk or somewhere else.From this point i wanted to say that actual no. of active live players are much less than xbox live claims(far less)

3rd what u are trying to prove from dead links or are u trying to make urself fool!

mr brilliant

May 21, 2009
Another solar system
honestly pc gamers what u want? u expecting someone to make sense who has perhaps never done it in his life.

surprising for me, the best point come from kane. if pc gaming is dying then nvidia & intel shud be running for theirs money but they r not. there billions $$$ bussiness will sink if pc gaming dies (al least for nvidia) & they hasnot said nothing like that yet.

the only gaming system close to death is ps3, due to natal. pc gaming is safe n will remain that way no matter how much braindead console fans wish against it.


Nov 24, 2007
I'll use an ancient and loved example here hasan, street fighter IV 360, native 720p simply upscaled to 1080p looked exactly the same as street fighter IV running natively on 1080p on PC according to internet comparisons.
yes lets all compare SF4 which requires a Simple Pentium 4 Processor and a 4k 3D Card to run smoothly
the Game has nothing close to be called "Good Graphics"

U wanna compare Graphics/Performance? lets just stick to COD4 or now the upcoming MW2 and Crysis2
the power of Next Gen and hi Def remains 1280X720 without AA
we need a game which pushes the hardware

Lets take an old game like Hot Pursuit 2 it wasnt released on the 360 rite BUT if it was then im betting the 360 culd run it @1920X1080 Native
u can bring a lot of crap Graphics Games and run them on the 360 and PC on same Resolution and they will look the same

But take Graphics Intensive Games and run them on PC and 360 and u will notice alot of difference ^_^

incidently 1280X720 = 1 Mega Pixel
and 1920X1080 = 2 Mega Pixel
Zameen asman ka farq hai

Sire Ahsan

Knighted by the Queen of L33T
Jan 30, 2008
Karachi, Pakistan
Chandoo said:
besides warcraft and witcher i haven't got a single clue about what the rest of the games are lol, well i guess that's to be expected, niche PC games that no one cares about stay on the PC, where as the one's that gain popularity all jump ship eventually.
Like I said before, personal preference. The first I mentioned, Total War ... is a series continuing since 10-12 years ... now if you havent played it, or the others, or dont like 'em ... doesnt mean they dont exist, or arent good ... its just that you dont like it. A game series with around 7-8 games is still alive for a reason.

Thats to be expected from a Console ONLY guy who has never even bothered to look at the PC games.

actually, the way i'm seeing it, more PC gamers are now shifting towards console just so they can get to play the games, this includes YOU too ahsan, so yeah, sounds pretty much like you guys future proofing so you're not left with a single dying system.
So they just can get to play the "consoles exclusive" (or atleast one of the console) games. The bunch of games I named, the PC exclusives, PC gamers still play them on their systems, and they play the multiplat (PC+Consoles) on their PCs because of ... well, ask them :)

No one who is a gamer and wants to play everything is going to be satisfied with a single system. A fanboy however will be satisfied only with his single console, which he hated to the core so much that he got banned from its forum before he got it!
Last edited:


Nov 24, 2007
secondly, we all know there are free WoW servers as well.

thirdly, WoW has free trials for first-timers as well, just like xbox live.
oh bhai jan get ur fact straight

Private and Free WoW Servers r only 20% of wht Legit Offers u have to play it to know about it

and tht Free Trial u talk about iz only 10 Days yes only 10 Days with a Level Cap of 20/only few levels of Professions/No access to any ingame Features

Sire Ahsan

Knighted by the Queen of L33T
Jan 30, 2008
Karachi, Pakistan
Shyber said:
. So yeah, playing FPSs lying down on your back on a stretched Sofa with a gamepad is rather appealing for a guy who's tired after a day's work at the office
That couch thing is a very strange point Shyber and I didnt expect you to use that (again). I find it much more easier that I turn my PC on, see whats what on Pakgamers, check my emails ... then just double click and play. One place for two things ... ! I know you always get up on PG after office ... ! Oh and no one told u to get an office chair for your PC. I have (or had before it kinda got burned :p) a recliner ... very comfy ...!
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  • L LegacyGamerGuy:
    I have a PS5 but I am not satisfied with the experience. I am currently saving for a 4080 64 GB rig soon. Bit will wait for Pro if performance improves. This gen has been so bad I don't plan on buying consoles anymore for AAA gaming.
  • L LegacyGamerGuy:
    Consoles were my main platform ever since Atari 2500. But now I think it's not worth it as PC especially with DLSS deliver far smoother performance. AW2 on console didn't even had ray tracing and ran below 30fps. Similar issues plagues DD2 on consoled.
  • GloriousChicken GloriousChicken:
    It is indeed the worst generation by far.
  • L LegacyGamerGuy:
    Both PS and Xbox have been a flop this gen as they can barely maintain 30 fps in a lot of AAA games th.
  • L LegacyGamerGuy:
    As per WCCF Tech review, Xbox Series X doesn't even maintain a consistent FPS and sometimes drops into the mid-20fps range. That's unacceptable, tbh.
  • L LegacyGamerGuy:
    The Xbox Series X can drop into the mid-20fps range,
  • L LegacyGamerGuy:
    Still, I wonder why the PC Gamer rated it worse than Gollum. 🤔
  • NaNoW NaNoW:
    its more on me, than gamepass tbh
  • NaNoW NaNoW:
    I am not spending as much time with it these days
  • NaNoW NaNoW:
    I feel like with gamepass
  • Chandoo Chandoo:
    LegacyGamerGuy said:
    Gradually transitioning from console gaming to PC as the games are not worth it. 6 hours of Hellblade 2 is just not worth the $50 price tag.
    Score 1 for game pass. I wouldn't pay full price for this at retail either.
  • L LegacyGamerGuy:
    Gradually transitioning from console gaming to PC as the games are not worth it. 6 hours of Hellblade 2 is just not worth the $50 price tag.
  • L LegacyGamerGuy:
    Just downloaded my first legit digital PC game on GoG at a discount of $8: Two Point Hospital. The same team behind Theme Hospital Two Point Studios now part of Sega. And I am having more fun than most recent AAA games except of course BG3.
  • Chandoo Chandoo:
    gottdamnnn HB2 looks amazing. UE5 finally living up to its potential.
  • L LegacyGamerGuy:
    Still, I don't like either Sony or Microsoft as they are focusing more on corporate greed than delighting customers. PC gaming is best of gaming and worth every penny.
  • L LegacyGamerGuy:
    PC Gamer score of 58/100 for Hellblade 2??? Is it really worse than Gollum that was 64/100? Microsoft games can't even come close to high scores of Sony exclusives apparently.
  • Necrokiller Necrokiller:
    Chandoo said:
    Hellblade 2 83 OpenCritic, not bad at all. 2 points higher than the first game.
    first one is 84 Opencritic. Saga dropped to 82.
  • Necrokiller Necrokiller:
    Saeen abhi tak to first one was better in every way. Atleast the first hour-ish
  • Chandoo Chandoo:
    Hellblade 2 83 OpenCritic, not bad at all. 2 points higher than the first game.
  • L LegacyGamerGuy:
    About the Microsoft (and Sony) debate, I feel both have become too greedy and losing their minds over corporate greed. Personally, I will never buy any console next gen and switch to PC gaming where democracy reins.
  • L LegacyGamerGuy:
    No news about Google Play Store hacking. What is the source?
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  • Aciel Aciel:
    This is the error.
  • Aciel Aciel:
    Online session is enabled for UBL. I have an active subscription with my NayaPay card (it is already added to Google Payment Methods).
  • B Baghi:
    did you try setting up Google Payments? For UBL you may have to get it enabled for internet transactions, Naya should work without it!
    L LegacyGamerGuy: I have a PS5 but I am not satisfied with the experience. I am currently saving for a 4080 64 GB...