MULTI Official Game Finishing and Discussion Thread

Spartan 117

PG Spartan
Mar 28, 2011

Metro: Last Light

Metro: Last light is a sequel to the 2010's Metro 2033, a game that is one of the most criminally underrated FPS of our generation in my humble opinion. It takes place about one year after the events of the previous part. Artyom returns as the protagonist and we are accompanied along with some other familiar faces like Khan and Miller. This time around, story focus is more on the political problems, rivaling factions and imminent WAR, that could very threaten the existence of every living soul in the metro. While this didn't have that feel of saving everyone from an unknown threat of the first part and that clear focus, it certainly added more layers to the world. However, the narrative did struggle a bit during the half point. Just felt like it was unfocused and muddled for a while. Good thing it got back on track soon after.

The hauntingly beautiful atmosphere returned. Developer 4A Games have showed it again that they excel at creating a post apocalyptic world where hopelessness, emptiness and helplessness thrives. Lonely tunnels and pathways of metro felt ominous, creepy and downright scary. The wide expanse of the outside world was eerily beautiful, harsh and tense. The towns were meticulously detailed with what remains of the human civilization, doing whatever they can to keep life going. All this combined to create a wonderful world which you REALLY feel.

The devs modified their engine which powered 2033 and optimized it alot. This resulted it in a less buggy and much better running game than what 2033 was. The graphics of this game were all round beautiful. One heck of a good looking game. Tons of attention given to tiny details, which increased the immersion level.

The gameplay was also improved. The gun play, especially, felt more smoother and fluid. A nice addition was that you could modify your guns now, tailoring them to your needs. The stealth also felt better and levels were better crafted for it. The A.I, though improved, was still troublesome and buggy. I sometimes found enemies just standing/sitting in a corner, doing nothing but waiting for me to knock them out.

In the end, this game again shows that no matter how bad the situation gets, mankind ends up being their own worst enemy. As to quote Fallout 3, "WAR, WAR Never Changes."

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Nov 9, 2011
Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor

The game is based on the Lord of the Ring series about a century after where the movie ended. The dark lord Sauron is gaining power again and threatening to destroy all of middle-earth with his army of Uruks. Our protagonist is a Ranger who seems to derive his persona alot from the movie's Arragorn. The game starts with your basic tutorial and intro scenes where you and your family are killed (Yeah you die before the game even begins), but due to the Elf wraith
Spoiler: show
Celebrimbor (creator of the rings of power)
, who apparently has no memory of his past, you do not die and are revived with both your souls joined or something.A part of the game's story revolves around the discovery of the wraith's identity while the rest is you trying to take revenge against Sauron's forces using your super natural powers attributed to the elf wraith.

The learning curve can be daunting at the beginning and you could easily find yourself overwhelmed when surrounded by a horde of uruks. At first it may seem like your typical hack and slash type AC combat based game, and to tell you the truth the combat engine does seem to be very similar to AC. The enemies you face however are easily up to par and can prove deadly quickly if you take the gung-ho approach. I liked the stealth in the game alot and the AI is not stupid as with many similar games. You'll find a hard time at first trying to finish quest and fighting captains as they have a tendency to pop up during your fight with another captain and 2-3 at a time can be challenging even later in the game where you can unlock abilities. Death is also an interesting aspect of the game. If you are killed by a regular uruk soldier, he gets promoted to captain and becomes your nemesis while the captains and warchiefs increase in power rating.

The game can feel a bit boring and repetitive at first, but it starts to get interesting approaching the quarter mark when you start to delve into the politics and power struggle of middle earth. You discover the power that lets you control your enemies and make them fight for you (yes even captains and warchiefs). You can replace whoever you want with another in a betrayal or power struggle and even order assassinations to fit your needs. Another exciting aspect of the game, one which I feel comes too late into the game, is the ability to ride Graugs and Caragors and using them to dispose of your foes. As far as the boss fights go, they are you can say diverse and require a bit of strategy (as I mentioned before death plays a big part in the game and dying can also undo some of the work you have done to gain an advantageous position). The most fun I had was going after warchiefs who tend to stay in uruk stongholds with a few captains as bodyguards and also require certain conditions to be met in order to show themselves. The big boss fights against Sauron's big three were extremely underwhelming and I feel they had the potential to be much much better. Put it this way that I had a harder time fighting warchiefs than I did with the bosses.

The gameplay was very good and the graphics, especially with the HD texture pack, were stunning. The game itself was well made and for the most part bug free. I feel the ending was anti-climatic and WB could have done much better than they did.

Overall I'd give the game 8/10


Sep 15, 2008
Wow Chhowni

The critically acclaimed PS3 title 'Valkyria Chronicles', inclusive of all DLCs, was ported over to the PC by Sega and released on the platform late last year. It is a turn-based squad strategy game incorporating strong flavours of a third-person shooter.

The game is set in a neutral and non-partisan fictitious small country, Gallia, situated in the continent of Europa. The land is rich in the mineral ore Ragnite, a much sought after ingredient due to its vital properties that see it being used both as fuel and medicine. The Empire, an alliance of autocratic Eastern Europan nations, declares war on The Federation, an alliance of democratic West Europan nations, to kick-start the Second Europan War (EWII). The Empire has its sights set on Gallia's ragnite rich deposits.

You play as Welkin Gunther, a Gallian and son of celebrated war-hero, General Gunther, as you command a troop of organized Gallian militia soldiers known as Squad 7 whose job is to thwart The Empire's advances in Gallia. During the course of the playthrough you command foot soldiers and tanks as you set forward to complete objectives and, thus, win battles in the process. The game is divided into chapters which is further sub-divided into small episodes.

First things first, the game is gorgeously good-looking. The art-style is inspired by Japanese animes while the visuals are unique, feeling as though the entire game is a sharp watercolour painting brought to life.

The game has five combat Classes; namely Scouts (Rifle), Shock Troopers (Infantry), Lancers (Anti-Tank), Engineers and Snipers. In addition, you also get to control Commanding Officer Welkin's tank. All equipment is upgradeable, relying on XP points which are gained as missions are completed. The Combat system is an amalgam of turn-based and third-person elements. You deploy a squad of your choice and each time you click on a squad member, the camera pans to third-person and he can be moved to an appropriate place. The camera then swings back to the bird's eye view of the map allowing you to plan your next move. Combat is challenging and is easily the best part of the game. Level environments are well-designed and test your strategic skills to the hilt.

The game's setting is inspired by real-life incidents, with a mix of fantasy and fiction elements thrown into the mix. The plot is, frankly speaking, nothing to write home about. It's B-grade anime with trope characters and a cliched predictable story. There are a few instances in the game where the plot impresses but, highly unfortunately, those are few and far between.

I really liked the game. The war-setting negated some of the cheesy anime moments and the combat was fun and challenging. I'm glad Sega ported this over to the PC. Valkyria Chronicles is a definite recommendation from my side, if just for a refreshing change of art-style and grueling turn-based gameplay.

Spartan 117

PG Spartan
Mar 28, 2011


This is a Hack'n Slash game starring WAR, one of the legendary four horsemen of the apocalypse. A mishap causes Earth to be ravaged by war between heaven and hell and WAR is betrayed in the event resulting him to go on a quest for revenge and find the truth about the betrayal.

The narrative was cliched and felt like your typical hack'n slash scenario. I still liked the whole premise though. WAR itself was a decent character to helm and he was voiced by the same actor who voiced Gaara in Naruto, so that was awesome. Along our journey, we meet several characters, some were good and well acted.

The game pulls a God of War II at the beginning, stripping our hero of all of his godly powers and leaving him as a weak, broken being. We go on a long quest to regain the power, slowly, and ultimately take revenge. Seems kinda a familiar doesn't it. Well, the game HEAVILY borrows from God of War franchise, and I do mean that. You'll be reminded of that franchise throughout. Which isn't to say it is a bad thing, it does a pretty good job of copying it and creating a good and enjoyable experience.

The gameplay consists of solving puzzles, some platforming reminiscent of prince of persia games, and lots and lots of tearing down demons and angels alike. The combat starts out pretty barren, but fun nonetheless. As you progress through the game, you achieve new items and weapons. You can buy abilities and combos to enhance your combat. The feeling of progress was pretty great. You slowly but surely start to feel like a powerful being, what WAR truly is. The combat however was restricting. Only one button for the main weapon for attack, which restricted combos and versatility a lot. Secondary weapons also had only one button for attack.

The boss battles were a mixed bag. Some were pretty good and fun while others were too easy and disappointing. The final boss especially felt like a pushover instead of being a force to be reckon it. The lambs for the slaughter, the usual grunts were great and varied a lot. During the final areas, some of them got really strong and added a bit of challenge.

The game featured TONS and TONS of puzzles and stuff to solve and find out a way but disappointingly, all were very straight forward and easy to solve. Maybe they should have spend less time creating more puzzles and more time making them more challenging. Quality over quantity.

The game also overstayed its welcome. It was just too long and started to drag a lot. The repetitiveness factor was too much due to the increased length. Took me about 14 hours to finish it and if they could have removed 4 hours and just lame puzzle stuff for a more streamlined pacing and adventure, it would have been a lot more fun to play.

As for the graphics, while the art style was good and I liked the character models, the environments and texture were poor. When I started it, it looked like a PS2 remaster game to be honest.

Regardless of the drag, the game ended up being a great hack'n slash game. Can't wait to try out its sequel and play as DEATH!!

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FUCK Y 'all !
Jan 25, 2009
Darksiders 2 is so~ much better than the first one. Can't wait for the more in this series! The new developers have already confirmed more sequels! yay~

Spartan 117

PG Spartan
Mar 28, 2011
Darksiders 2 is so~ much better than the first one. Can't wait for the more in this series! The new developers have already confirmed more sequels! yay~
Yeah, almost everyone who has played both is saying that. More RPG-ish, better main character development etc etc.

Will try it out soon. Just need to find time for it. :p


Sep 15, 2008
Wow Chhowni

Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne is a direct sequel to Remedy Entertainment's critically acclaimed 2001 third-person shooter Max Payne and picks up after the events of its predecessor. The game could be best described as noir-style love story, in contrast to the first that was more of a film noir revenge tale.

NYPD detective Max Payne is once again the primary protagonist, although a few very interesting segments sees you play as his love interest, Mona Sax. Max Payne 2 borrows a lot from the original and there are enough hints and references to the previous game which helps keep the narrative interesting and fresh for old-timers.

Max Payne 2 is, in many ways, a huge improvement over Max Payne 1. Gone is that constipated look :max: replaced instead with full 3-D modeled faces. The game also sees an immense graphical upgrade with excellent usage of the Havok 2.0 physics engine. Game characters are more detailed while environment objects, including enemies, tumble and fall very realistically.

Gameplay is largely the same with a few refinements to combat. Bullet Time sees an upgrade allowing you to dodge bullets and reload quickly, with a cool whirling animation to go alongside it. This results in a higher body count but also makes gun-play segments a whole lot less challenging. Level designs are, once again, brilliant with mission locales ranging from warehouses, mansions, hospitals and clubs to constructions sites. And the enemy AI is, on a whole, pretty decent although in a few instances they end up killing themselves with their own grenade.

The plot is riveting with almost non-stop action throughout. The storyline unfolds in much the same fashion as the original. The usage of graphic novel comics complete with melodramatic over-the-top dialogue sucks you into the game's environment. If anything, the writing is more polished this time around with lots of witty and philosophical quotes thrown into the mix. The story focuses too much upon the love-story angle though which tends to get a bit jarring towards the end. In comparison, the original Max Payne's story, although slightly rough around the edges, was more dark, grittier and compelling than its sequel.

For a game that is over twelve years old, Max Payne 2 still holds remarkably well today. It overshadows the original in many aspects while also introducing a few cool mechanics of its own. Simplified mechanics make for interesting combat segments making Max Payne 2 one of the very best third-person shooters ever made.


Insane Slayer
Aug 12, 2015

I think its enough for me to say that, It's the most amazing game i have ever played.

Story : 10/10
Music : 10/10
Gameplay : 10/10

Everything : 10/10

Spartan 117

PG Spartan
Mar 28, 2011

Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker HD Edition

Never owned a PSP so didn't get a chance to play this on it. But luckily we got it ported to PS3/Xbox 360 in a HD remaster and since The Phantom Pain was right around the corner, I thought it was the best time to play this. This game isn't a spinoff or a non-canonical sequel or something just because it was released on the portable system. This is what I initially thought when the game first came out( :p ). It is actually a proper sequel to Big Boss's prequel story that we got in MGS3.

The story takes place a decade after MGS3 events and we see Big Boss leaving behind all the government duties/ties he had with USA and leading his own group of mercenaries aptly named MSF or Milataires Sans Frontieres(Soldiers without borders). The game starts off with us getting a mission from a new client.

The game's story is told through these beautifully crafted comic book style cutscenes, which often contained QTEs, and I'm glad they went with this option because real time cut-scenes would not have looked good due to PSP's hardware limitations. A lot of new characters are introduced and there is tons and tons of information about them. The codec call system that usually delivered info and conversations was ditched (Missed that) in favor of tapes that you could listen about each character. The voice acting was mostly good as one would expect from an MGS game. The one I found a bit disappointing was Big Boss himself. I don't know what happened with David Hayter but he sounded like he had something stuck in his throat throughout the game. Was too gruff. I mean it worked great in MGS4 because the character was old but I don't know why he did a mix of that old voice and his previous young voice here. The result was not good. I guess this could be the reason Kojima went with someone else in MGSV.

The game-play in this game was a bit disappointing when you're on the field. It was dumbed down/stripped as compared to the previous parts and the areas themselves were pretty small and usually consisted of even smaller portions linked together with loading screen. But once you accept that this is what you'll be getting throughout the game and is because of the platform's limitations, it got pretty good. But since the scale was so small, some stuff just felt stupid like you standing pretty near your enemy and them not seeing/noticing you and stuff.

I also found the game to be pretty easy. The only time I was kinda challenged was during the first proper boss fight (The Pupa) where I died a lot and that too because I was doing some stuff in the wrong way and was not patient. Once I realized how to do these fights, the rest of them felt quite easy and didn't die once in any of them. Although, they were lengthy and felt satisfying when you finish them and the bosses themselves had some fight in them.

This game featured something new in the franchise gameplay wise, operating a full mother base. Now this aspect I really liked. You had to take care and further develop the mother base of Big Boss's MSF organization. It was the base of operations for everything. You could assign members to different areas, sent soldiers on missions, develop new items and weapons etc. All the development helped you in the main missions and the side missions as well. To recruit more members, you could use an item to send knocked out enemies or POWs during missions and recruit them for your base. It added an extra incentive to play the missions in proper stealth mode instead of going in guns blazing. It made you really feel like stepping in shoes of BIG BOSS.

Since the game was originally released on PSP, the game's graphics were pretty poor. But they do feel impressive when you consider it with PSP's standards. Plus, the HD remastering was done beautifully. The game ran at 60FPS and had some Anti aliasing and other filters to improve the look on a higher resolution.

The soundtrack of MGS games has always been good and it was no different here. I really liked how in flashbacks of Big Boss and The boss, the track played was a soft piano version of the famous MGS3 song, Snake Eater. Was a nice touch.

MGS: Peace Walker is an overall great game despite its shortcomings. Took me about 20 hours or so to beat it and I never felt bored once in all the playtime. IT further tells the story of Big Boss and his change and how his organization grew and puts you at the helm of it. Any MGS fan owe it to themselves to play it and it is definitely a must play part to properly enjoy MGSV.


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Spartan 117

PG Spartan
Mar 28, 2011

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

This was one of my most anticipated game of this year. The final chapter in the great MGS franchise, the missing link. Can't tell you how excited I was when I finally got to play it. It delivered on the game-play part perfectly, but sadly it lacked in the story department.

First, the good thing about the game. The gameplay was just amazing. It was a masterfully executed open world game with full on proper stealth mechanics and I think it is first of its kind. We get two huge areas (Africa and Afghanistan) to explore and have fun in. The beauty of this game was that almost any mission can be completed in several play styles. Lots of freedom and the options continue to increase when you open up new items and weapons and mechanics. Biggest new mechanic was the buddy system, where you get several companions over the course of the game that help you in various ways. Maybe you'll want to go full stealth. Or go in guns blazing. Maybe you'll do a mix of both. Or just call in support and let them do the dirty work while you smoke your cigar. The game did has its way of making you try your best to keep a full stealth play, proper tactical espionage.

The mother base aspect of the game was also expanded from what we got in Peace Walker. This time, you can actually visit your base and move around and see it in getting developed slowly. And it has this wonderful feeling of accomplishment, seeing your hard work in action. Knocking out enemies and using Fulton Recovery to recruit them for your base makes each mission more fun as you always have to consider the option of either killing an enemy or go in for a more stealth play and try to capture them. The game was really massive too.

Since I played it on a PS3, won't talk much about the graphics since I know the game doesn't look that good as compared to the next gen counter parts but even on the 9 year old machine, it ran pretty well, all things considered. The soundtrack of the game was pretty good as you would expect from an MGS game. Some great tracks here and there. Would have loved it if they used the MGS series theme in some important part.

Now, for the story. Well, The Phantom Pain continues the plot where Ground Zeroes left off. The blast and crash caused Big Boss to go into a nine year coma. The game starts off with us waking up in a hospital. The whole opening chapter was just phenomenal, one of the best openings I have ever played in a game. The game focuses on us (Big Boss) trying to rebuild our free military force and to take revenge on Skull Face.

Now, this game was showed and advertised as the missing link that will show Big Boss's decent into the other side, how he changes etc etc and was the main reason why I was so pumped up to play it. Sadly, it failed to deliver on that promise. There was hardly anything regarding that in the game. All the awesome trailers we got depicting this epic tale were really misleading. MGS games have always been famous for there thick and detailed cinematic story but oddly enough, this last part was really lacking in that department. The story itself was pretty slim to being with but add that with the length of the game and it just got stretched way too thin. Really horrible pacing. There were some awesome missions with memorable moments but they were very few and far between. The game also concluded on a pretty disappointing part as well. It completes the cycle but in a way that makes you go "That's it?".

Among the things that I didn't liked were the opening and ending credits after EVERY missions. WTF was that all about. The opening credits especially spoiled every mission by showing which character is appearing in it. A very poor decision. Also, Big Boss hardly talked in cutscenes. I liked Keifer Sutherland as the new voice for Big Boss and fitted really well to be honest but what's the point of having a great new voice when you hardly use it.

That being said, its not like I hated the story or anything. If you look it in a normal way, it is still a good enough story for a game with amazing gameplay and makes the game as a whole pretty worth your time. But the story was just sub-par for an MGS games, and disappoints even more since it was suppose to be the missing link and is the last MGS game by Kojima, completing the cycle of this decades long series.

All in all, its the weakest game in MGS series for me but still the game was pretty great even with the story disappointments. The 53 hours I spent finishing it were fun, otherwise I would have not spent so much time in a game. It's just not GOTY material or the 10/10s it got critically. Overrated in that regard.

Farewell MGS, best gaming franchise in the video game industry (That's not a trilogy). As far as the series go, this is how I would rank them:
MGS4>MGS3>MGS2>Peace Walker>MGS5 (Haven't played MGS1. Yeah yeah I know)

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Sep 15, 2008
Wow Chhowni
I would rank them:
MGS4>MGS3>MGS2>Peace Walker>MGS5 (Haven't played MGS1. Yeah yeah I know)
d00d! I've only played the first three MGS games yet but MGS1 is by far the best of the lot. It has epic boss fights, brilliant codec moments and amazing gameplay segments. The story itself isn't half-bad either.

I like to think of it as the most perfectly balanced MGS game yet.

Spartan 117

PG Spartan
Mar 28, 2011
d00d! I've only played the first three MGS games yet but MGS1 is by far the best of the lot. It has epic boss fights, brilliant codec moments and amazing gameplay segments. The story itself isn't half-bad either.

I like to think of it as the most perfectly balanced MGS game yet.
Wish I played it back when it was new.
I'll try to play it someday since I have played all the main parts except the very first one, feels weird and unfinished.


Et tu, Brute?
Feb 1, 2012
Ended MADMAX on pc today, Final thoughts:

Gameplay 7/10

Graphics 8/10 (Post Apocalyptic Wasteland is stunning).

Story 5/10 (Story is the weakest link of mad max).

Overall: 7/10 Fun game but don't count on story to turn out good.


Respect Ma AuthoritA!!!
Global Mod
Jun 28, 2007
On earth...Lahore
Ended tomb raider definitive edition on ps4

well the new tomb raider certainly was exciting with the whole open world kind of gameplay. i liked the fact you could go back from basecamp to basecamp without disturbing the whole mission in progress thing etc. although it had a linear kind of gameplay it also had a few options open. the game isn't that long if just following the story but the extra collectibles and few tombs (not hard at all) keep you a bit entertained.

the new lara is certainly a survivor after what she went through the game haha. the whole japanese story was good but the lack of a more stronger villain etc more kind of dominating etc wasn't felt here.

played on normal the game was quite easy. definitive edition was really good on the eye :)

Rating: 7/10


Well-known member
Oct 10, 2009
Ended tomb raider definitive edition on ps4

well the new tomb raider certainly was exciting with the whole open world kind of gameplay. i liked the fact you could go back from basecamp to basecamp without disturbing the whole mission in progress thing etc. although it had a linear kind of gameplay it also had a few options open. the game isn't that long if just following the story but the extra collectibles and few tombs (not hard at all) keep you a bit entertained.

the new lara is certainly a survivor after what she went through the game haha. the whole japanese story was good but the lack of a more stronger villain etc more kind of dominating etc wasn't felt here.

played on normal the game was quite easy. definitive edition was really good on the eye :)

Rating: 7/10
I have the platinum and when you dont get bored while grinding for a platinum, the game deserves an 8 at least. :p


Respect Ma AuthoritA!!!
Global Mod
Jun 28, 2007
On earth...Lahore
I have the platinum and when you dont get bored while grinding for a platinum, the game deserves an 8 at least. :p
i didn't find the story much interesting or compelling, i just enjoyed the gameplay my first game on the ps4 :) fast movements and no lag etc the visuals etc u know. story makes much much more for the game, let's hope rise of the tomb raider is better in the regard of story.

and yes im trying to do plat but it looks damn hard especially the MP ones... i have just two missing from sp the chatterbox which i missed from the first playthrough :( damn ROTH missed his chat session and the 10 zipline one both of which i should get in this gameplay.


Well-known member
Oct 10, 2009
i didn't find the story much interesting or compelling, i just enjoyed the gameplay my first game on the ps4 :) fast movements and no lag etc the visuals etc u know. story makes much much more for the game, let's hope rise of the tomb raider is better in the regard of story.

and yes im trying to do plat but it looks damn hard especially the MP ones... i have just two missing from sp the chatterbox which i missed from the first playthrough :( damn ROTH missed his chat session and the 10 zipline one both of which i should get in this gameplay.
Multiplayer trophies do not take long if you have a partner to grind it. Takes about 4 normal gaming days.


Et tu, Brute?
Feb 1, 2012
Finished God of War: Ascension

Gameplay 7/10 (I dont know but this time developers introduced new mechanics and being old time player of GOW series i didn't liked it much, new weapons are also very scarce)

Graphics 10/10

Story 7.5/10 (Story is before God of War 1, tough not as good as original trilogy but still interesting)

Overall 8.5/10
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  • iampasha iampasha:
    SolitarySoldier said:
    Phil keeps talking about breaking barriers to gaming, making it accessible on all platforms yada yada, while killing competition and creativity at the same time. the fact that i actually believed him for a second lol
    guys the biggest yapper in the Industry right now. All he do is yap
  • Necrokiller Necrokiller:
    Phil should be held responsible for this shitfest too, just like Sarah, but it's highly likely that these decisions are coming from Satya. And this isn't even the end of it. More closures are coming.
  • SolitarySoldier SolitarySoldier:
    if we are moving towards more and more popular trash across platforms that make billions for companies, I'm happy with all the barriers and exclusivity because at least that brings some pressure to create good stuff.
  • SolitarySoldier SolitarySoldier:
    Phil keeps talking about breaking barriers to gaming, making it accessible on all platforms yada yada, while killing competition and creativity at the same time. the fact that i actually believed him for a second lol
  • SolitarySoldier SolitarySoldier:
    "These changes are not a reflection of the creativity and skill of the talented individuals at these teams or the risks they took to try new things" ... seems to me that's exactly what it is
  • SolitarySoldier SolitarySoldier:
    why make good games when u can just buy everyone and shut them down lol
  • XPremiuM XPremiuM:
    I'm gonna say one last time, F*** Microsoft to infinity!
  • XPremiuM XPremiuM:
    Microsoft deserves all the hate they can get. Seriously i can't explain how much i want to curse them out.
  • XPremiuM XPremiuM:
    They could've sold the studios instead of closing them, but the nazi bastards just didn't want competition down the road.
  • Link
  • XPremiuM XPremiuM:
    F*** Microsoft, and F*** their fanboys.
  • XPremiuM XPremiuM:
    What's the f*** is wrong with them? I mean really? Have they completely lost it? F***ing retards.
  • XPremiuM XPremiuM:
    So i just found out that f***ing s***bag Microsoft shut down Arkane Studio (makers of the brilliant Dishonored series) and Tango Gameworks (makers of the iconic The Evil Within series), among some other studios. I just want to say a giant F*** Y**! to Microsoft. THEY'VE F***ED UP BIG TIME this time.
  • Necrokiller Necrokiller:
    MS: Hold my trillion dollars
  • Necrokiller Necrokiller:
    Sony: We can f**k up a totally good situation.
  • Link
  • XPremiuM XPremiuM:
    Started Dead Island 2, and i find it pretty lame. The story is shit. The characters are either cringe or bland (all 6 of them), The gameplay isn't fun. Even the goddamn zombies don't behave like proper zombies. They're all fast & intelligent unlike how zombies are supposed to be like. Any fan of "zombie" genre cannot possibly like this shitfest of a game. Dying Light 2 was million times better than this shit.
  • NaNoW NaNoW:
    so Baldurs Gate 3 is pretty great!"
  • faraany3k faraany3k:
    So who here is waiting for Senua Hellblade 2. Prequel was a true mind fuck experience.
  • GloriousChicken GloriousChicken:
    Sad indeed
  • NaNoW NaNoW:
    what a sad day
  • faraany3k faraany3k:
    Necrokiller said:
    MS one upping Sony in catching the biggest L in gaming
    tbh gaming industry as a whole is failing much like tech industry. They have buckled down too much to Corporate suites then relying on passionate and innovative people. A corporate only believes in financial growth and shareholders.
  • Necrokiller Necrokiller:
    MS one upping Sony in catching the biggest L in gaming
  • Link
  • NaNoW NaNoW:
    iampasha iampasha: Phil keeps talking about breaking barriers to gaming, making it accessible on all platforms yada...