Internet probs.(very many, be warned)


Mar 1, 2014
Hello everyone, ive been frequenting this fourm for a long time ,but i only bothered to sign up now.
anyway onto my problem
I am a heavy internet user.

I live in lahore, and had(yes had, past tense) the ptcl broadband 4,6 and 8mbps for about 2 years
during these years i suffer from constant disconections for days at a time, frequent signal loss and slow speed
repeatedly complaining to ptcl, dident help. problems only got fixed after 2 weeks and the line man assigned to our area regularly put off complaints,dident fix anything.
i currently have the nitro cloud but it suffers from extreme throttling, i cant get any speed faster then 30kbps but on the first few days of each month i get a good speed. it is to be noted that i dl about...30-50 gigs per month, so i am not exceeding their cap, as far as i know. is there a way that i can check this?
cannot even video chat on skype w/o disconnection.

now i hear that they put out a vdsl2 system.
so i wanted to ask, is this a bit more reliable then the old adsl that i have so many problems with?
also i hear some people say they have fiber-optic to their home. seeing as adsl is a fiber to the junction setup i have a hard time believing this but if it is possible i would like to know how, my house is a bit far out you see, and that is (i think) the reason for all this nonsense. the people in dha are rather enjoying themselves but in the sui-gas state life region i am heavily suffering.

is it also possible to connect a external antenna to the evo nitro huawei unit?
i asked around and people said no, so i went ahead and bought a 30ft usb cable. problem is the electricity is passed thorough, but usb signals doesn't pass, as usb was not designed for that kind of length. so i wanted to buy a
TP-Link TL-MR3020 price in pakistan
along with a archer c7
i will connect the unit to the small wifi extender thing, and the signal will go down the wire to the c7. problem is that i dont know if this would work, as the mr3020 is disguised for small usb modems, not something with a mind of its own, dont know if the protocols will work.

Thanks in advance
(sorry i know ^ is a complete mess, but i just want a decent, reliable fast connection. going to get a ps4 soon and a decent speed is needed)


Mar 1, 2014
comon guys, 60 views and no replies?
lemme shorten it for you.
just answer the questions
1.)I live in the southren part of lahore (suigas area), suffer from heavy broadband disconnection,repeated failure,slow speed etc etc
i complain only to have the problem fixed after a month instead of a more reasonable time.
is there anything i can do about this
2.)i hear some people have setup fiber to the home systems. can that possibly solve problem no 1? and how would i go about doing it?
3.)can problem 1 alternatively be solved by going to ptcls vdsl2 system?
4.)currently have a evo nitro cloud. any way i can lock it into evdo only mode?

thanks in advance.


$heeda Pastol ™
Dec 3, 2008
[MENTION=124829]Matapatapa[/MENTION]! If you still have the PTCL Connection then as a last resort, you can visit the Head Office of PTCL near GPO, Lahore. Talk to the Regional General Manager (Mr.Abdul Waheed) ... or his P.A (Mr.Nazeer) and i assure you, you will be entertained better than your local exchange people.

Make Notes before you go there, & present your case in a respectable and educated manner. Answer their "technical" questions about your Attenuation, SNR and ADSL Modulation etc with confidence.

Personally, i always try to get my problems solved via the easiest way possible and that is, by talking to the people directly involved in this process i.e. Local Exchange, Line Man or Broadband Area Manager. This time however, despite their cooperative behavior, they failed to provide a satisfactory result. So after waiting for 1.5 Months, i visited Head Office. Its the 2nd time in 6 years i had to go there because the problem suddenly became so severe.

As for Fiber directly to your Home, i don't know how much of it is true because i haven't seen anyone. Maybe lack of my knowledge, but AFAIK, you only get fiber till your main DB Box, and afterwards its simply Copper wire. Don't get putt off by this because it still works as intended.

For EVO Devices, kindly talk to the people who have them. [MENTION=8932]The Avenger[/MENTION] also has one, i think. Or [MENTION=11094]StrikerX[/MENTION] might also be able to help.

Dark Sith

Jan 7, 2009

well i have a wingle 9mb one and it works just fine , actually i think its the best product ever as it portable , battery packs are avaliable and you can take it any where period .

i think look around for a friend who has it to check it there is signals in your area , if you can find a nitro 9mb then thats also good but they are hard to find but were in more ways slightly better then wingle in there catching of signals .



Sep 13, 2012
so here's my take on your issue, as i suffered some of it in the past:

1) freq. dc, etc ... happened a lot before they upgraded their lines to fiber ... so it's fiber till DB box, and afterwards copper. After that, I haven't suffered any dc or connectivity problem for months now. It runs very good. Occasional hiccups get sorted out by simple 1218.

2) B4 the fiber setup, if the guys weren't fixing the problem within 2-3 days, I picked up email addresses of all the contacts I could find from the PTCL website (chairman, karachi/south manager, or whatever) and emailed them all about the hassle I was going thru. They fixed the connection on urgent basis, and I received several calls in a day from HO/Regional HO/Exchange etc for apologies and if the connection is working properly. They also gave their direct contact numbers, in case there is any problem in the future. So my advice to you would be to go up the hierarchy and raise your voice! Don't take any crap or lame excuses for your hard earned money. It's your right.

3) Try having the copper wire changed from pole to your set; make sure it's not very brittle, rusted, or having many joints. Make friends with the line man, and he'll himself change the whole wire for you. Khush ho k kuch chaye paani ka khyal rakh lo us ka, and he'll even give you his personal number, so that you dont have to go through the hassle of launching complaints via 1218.

4) This requires patience, but get status of your complaint @ 1218 every day, and tell them that it's not fixed yet. Make their lives miserable :) Don't press "1" if the automated machine asks if ur complaint has been resolved until you are completely satisfied. The unresolved complaints get elevated automatically after a few days and go up the hierarchy.

3) I dont know about evo/nitro setup, sorry.

Bottomline: somebody suggested to visit HO, do that. Or complain higher up @ PTCL and you'll have your issue fixed in no time. Hope this helped and it's just my own experience or way of dealing with PTCL. It requires patience and a demanding attitude; if they see they can fool customers around, they are gonna do it indefinitely :)

Other pplz experiences may be different, but best of luck neway! :laugh1:
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$heeda Pastol ™
Dec 3, 2008

Fiber (ONU):
If you read my earlier post, i have mentioned it that you don't get fiber directly to your home. You get it till your nearest (main) DB, and then its Copper, till the mini-DB Pole (which is usually a few feet away from homes, mostly in the same street).

If Fiber is available in your area, then you should definitely apply for it. A lot of broadband problems are resolved via Fiber as it doesn't suffer from Copper's limitations.

The Lineman:
A lot of people think its "OK" to give people "chaye paani", as a bhai sahab above me mention it. If you are unsatisfied with Line Man's work, just ask him a direct question if he would do his job honestly. If you don't get desired results then:
1. Visit your local exchange and meet with the people i mentioned above -- Do note that every Lineman and Broadband person has a Senior, sitting in your Local Exchange, and they are usually qualified well educated people. If necessary, you can politely threaten them about going to Head Office (Main Exchange). (Try not to be disrespectful :))
2. If Local Exchange fails to product desired results then you can move to Head Office. Talk to the Regional General Manager there. I am sure you will be entertained nicely.

How to find Local Exchange?
Call at 1236 or 1217 ... tell them your PTCL number and ask them which Exchange handles your area. You'll be guided with an address and a phone number.

Nothing special. Just the basics. Check your Modem's statistics page to find out the Attenuation, SNR Margin etc . Take a screenshot or Printed Copy with you, if needs be.

Distribution Network
Pretty much the same as you mention it. Except, after main DB, the wire gets to the mini-DB i.e. the Telephone Pole in your street and THEN to your house. (You get Fiber till Main DB ONLY)


Mar 1, 2014
Thanks guys, all of you. [MENTION=8060]abobobilly[/MENTION]
i read your post, and as i said before i thought that it was fiber to the local exchange, which would make me beyond the 1km limit of copper
the main DB, does it happen to look like a white box on the ground with a door on one side ? if it is, im in luck. in that case i wont be farther then 150m from the box.

I happen to have the nitro cloud, its speed is fine even great sometimes but problem is its very variable.
i do get the occasinal 700kbps hour of awesomeness,
but most of the time, barely 30-60
if there was a way i could up the normal speed to a more reasonable 150,200 that would be great
i do get good signals though ( 3/5 )

also i suffer from it switching to cdma. there is no option to lock it into evdo, but i see this is a huawei device. if someone out there has managed to rewrite the software with the original huawei one and locked it into evdo..please tell me.


Sep 13, 2012
@abobobilly bhai sahab, just to clarify, i meant give chaye paani AFTER the job is done ... "khush ho k", not before the job is done as a bribe.
The line man that changed my line, i didnt give him anything but he did it all by himself after going thru the proper channel.

Since he worked for 2-3 hours, I gave him some chaye paani as a token of appreciation.

Agar kisi ko chaye paani hi deni hai, tu itnay saaray proper channel walay points meri email mein kuon follow karay ga. Direct chaye paani se hi kaam ho jaye ga.


Mar 1, 2014
sorry, my net was down for a while

for whoever needs it, i found that you can lock the evo nitro cloud into evdo, just go to dial up, network settings in the page, and when it isent connected(the device) change it to evdo. note that it might not work the first few times.

now if only someone cold tell me what the main DB looks like...and ill be all set to go.


Well-known member
Dec 31, 2009
Forget PTCL. Look at other companies in your area that offer Internet connections via their OWN infrastructure. That is NOT DSL or anything that uses PTCL phone lines.


Mar 1, 2014
Forget PTCL. Look at other companies in your area that offer Internet connections via their OWN infrastructure. That is NOT DSL or anything that uses PTCL phone lines.
seems interesting....can you please elaborate? (side note= i always went with ptcl before, as it had the fastest speeds and the other providers piggyback off of ptcl anyway)
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  • iampasha iampasha:
    faraany3k said:
    finished already. Will go with Re4
    have fun
  • faraany3k faraany3k:
    iampasha said:
    Also don't forget dead space remake. Imo the strongest in the horror trio.
    finished already. Will go with Re4
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  • iampasha iampasha:
    Also don't forget dead space remake. Imo the strongest in the horror trio.
  • iampasha iampasha:
    Defo re4 first. Because Alan wake 2 will spoil you with it graphics
  • IzHee IzHee:
    Resident Evil 4 remake with separate ways amd Alan Wake later on and once all DLC releases for Alan Wake 2, pick that one up.
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  • faraany3k faraany3k:
    Resi 4 remaster vs Alan Wake. Which one should i play first.
  • L LegacyGamerGuy:
    PS 5 Pro announced today. While I was impressed with the value - 4K at 60 FPS in quality mode for recent games, the price is too high. PS4 Pro cost just $399 at launch. The price of the PS5 Pro version seems to show Sony is returning to its haughty attitude of the PS3 era. I think the console with a disk drive will cost $1000-$1200 in Pakistan. For most, PC gaming onlyis increasingly becoming a more attractive proposition.
  • A alisagheer702:
    waiting i need it urgent
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  • Link
  • L LegacyGamerGuy:
    Two exclusive games (limited exclusive) with MC score 92+ in 2024. Not bad Sony. Not bad indeed.
  • L LegacyGamerGuy:
    Ordered today for my kid. He is a huge Astrobot fan second only to Mario.
  • L LegacyGamerGuy:
    Asyrobot just launched today and oh boy, 94 meta critic score - universal acclaim. Team Asobi - well done. Sony Japan
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  • SolitarySoldier SolitarySoldier:
    They could have shipped all these SP sequels on PC as well. But they wanted a piece of the PC market AND the live service market at the same time. I think that turned out a bit too much for them.
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  • SolitarySoldier SolitarySoldier:
    Aside from this, Sony and PS5 could have been great even with sequels to existing games like Ghost of Tsushima, Uncharted, GOW, TLOU, Infamous, LBP/Sackboy, maybe dead ones like Resistance, Jak, etc. It seems that they've been trying to focus on the live service model instead at the cost of SP games and exclusivity. It hasn't worked out well (except for Helldivers 2) and most of this gen is over. I don't see the point of this divergence from their established brand and strategy, especially at the cost of new SP games, few of which will now see the light of day this gen.
  • SolitarySoldier SolitarySoldier:
    Sure, big shots like RDR2 and Elden Ring are also great and I love them as much as the next person but at some level, I feel like I can get something close to that in movies and TV. There's something unique about great platformers in terms of stress-free/joyful interactivity and immersion that a heavy story or challenging gameplay doesn't have. Again, the latter is great too but the former more accurately defines gaming for me.
  • SolitarySoldier SolitarySoldier:
    Astro Bot will redeem PS5 for me. Ratchet and Astro Playroom did it as well. I may have a preference for platformers but this kind of pure fun games is what gaming started out as and what remains the most enjoyable part of it for me.
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  • XPremiuM XPremiuM:
    Yeah, Concord & Suicide Squad were utter failures due to being woke as hell. These western devs keep digging their own graves. They don't get the message that the masses don't want woke nonsense in games (or any other entertainment medium for that matter). Japanese games are less woke than American ones, but they're still not completely woke-free because they mostly target American audience. If you want truly unwoke content, try Chinese & Korean games. Black Myth: Wukong & Steller Blade are two of the biggest hits in gaming recently, and they came from China & Korea respectively. They're all the rage these days & completely free from this woke nonsense. I reckon American studios have no future in gaming unless they change their ways. Asian studios on the other hand are on the path to success. Not only is this great for gamers in general. It is also great for us Asians. :cool:
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  • L LegacyGamerGuy:
    Also, it's not just Capcom. Almost all Japanese devs are doing a stellar job and keeping the gaming world alive - FromSoft, Namco, and Nintendo. American/European developers have turned a blind eye to what gamers want and solely focus on squeezing maximum amount from gamers. They suck!
  • L LegacyGamerGuy:
    I believe Sony America should shut down and converted to Sony Japan. Then we can expect good quality games and not woke propaganda. One of the reasons for failure of Concord as per Reddit comments is woke/gay characters with they/them pronouns. Same is the reason Overwatch 2 has been a failure - they are targeting the wrong target market.
  • faraany3k faraany3k:
    There are like 3 years left for Ps5 and Series consoles but they are yet to deliver anything memorable. I think only company that is really going decent is Capcom.
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  • faraany3k faraany3k:
    Concord the biggest disaster in gaming.
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  • iampasha iampasha:
    Tienamen square massacre
  • D dabai001:
    Who can contact the community founder? Contact me and get a reward
  • D dabai001:
    Who can contact the community founder? Contact me and get a reward
    iampasha iampasha: finished already. Will go with Re4 have fun