MULTI Final Fantasy character cage match !


Resi Evil 4 > Your fav game.
Jan 19, 2007
S.S Normandy
Check out this awesome and funny feature from IGN where they have characters in various categories from final fantasy games battle it out..

Final Fantasy Character Cage Match
It's a showdown of epic proportions.
by Patrick Kolan, IGN AU

Australia, January 23, 2007 - Like cramming several feral cats in a box, giving it a shake and letting them free in a confined space, we've assembled a handful of pre-eminent Final Fantasy characters for a bit of a cage match of sorts. We've broken each lad and lass down into several key components that we feel are necessary ingredients for a great Final Fantasy character. These are: Motivation, Disposition, Costume, Sex Appeal and Big Hair.

Who will come out on top - nay, alive? Read on.

Troubled Lead Character: Cloud vs. Squall vs. Vaan

Cloud Strife:
Motivation: Cloud Strife, the blond, spiky-haired protagonist from FFVII, was an ex-Soldier, struggling with his murky past and working as a mercenary.
Disposition: Cloud's demeanour borders on rebellious, but his responsibilities force him to do a bit of growing up.
Costume: His oversized sword, single pauldron and Hardy Daytona motorcycle have become the stuff of legend and favoured by chubby cosplayers the world over.
Sex Appeal: Chicks dig the strong, silent rebel; In VII, he has Tifa and Aeris eating out of his hands - the lucky sod.
Big Hair: Definitely. Big and blond, with impossible spikes and gravity-defying angles.


Squall Leonhart:
Motivation: Squall, an up-and-coming SeeD member (basically military school) with a real chip on his shoulder, gets caught in the middle of a massive political upheaval and a time-tripping side-story. He is so withdrawn and sullen that he'll basically go along with masses.
Disposition: Squall, like his name suggests, is full of pout and fury and angst. He's a poster child for the alienated youth of today and as such, he's equally irritating. If he isn't griping about his responsibility, he's writhing in agony from his chronic time-splitting headaches.
Costume: A fur-collared jacket, leather pants, belts and a big-ass gun-blade. He's got a good image, this kid. And you're a rotten liar if you haven't, at one time or another, wanted a gunblade of your own.
Sex Appeal: Well, it works for some, the whole defeatist outlook. But for Squall, he struggles to keep the chicks interested and the slightly ambiguous ending never really shows Squall scoring with Rinoa.
Big Hair: More of a traditional haircut than Cloud's, Squall lacks a true anime edge.


Motivation: An orphan and street urchin, Vaan is a kind-hearted youth with a penchant for petty crime and a desire to become a sky pirate.
Disposition: He is determined and quick to jump to violence - which is probably more of an indicator of his age - just 17. Being an orphan, it adds to his street-hardened attitude.
Costume: Oh god - what happened here? Vaan looks more like a mardi-gras reject than a lead character. All that's missing are the ass-less leather pants and excessive chains - oh, wait. He's got the metal doodads. And the impossibly perfect, feminine features, a tan and, disturbingly, a girly pose.
Sex Appeal: Ladies will go for his obvious charms; so will some men.
Big Hair: Well, it's white-blonde and more akin to Squall's hair than Cloud's.


Winner: Cloud - he's got it all: the looks, charm, strength and big wacky hair.
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Resi Evil 4 > Your fav game.
Jan 19, 2007
S.S Normandy
part 2. quirky love interest

Quirky Love Interest: Terra vs. Aeris vs. Ashe

Motivation: A girl with strange gifts and a mysterious past, Terra stole a lot of hearts during the reign of FFVI. Her link to espers was the driving force of the entire plot.
Disposition: More in line with the quiet nature of Aeris from VII, she is clearly not of this world.
Costume: Well, in sprite form, it's hard to tell - but based on the Yoshitaka Amano illustrations, Terra wears ethereal gowns and has an air of sophistication.
Sex Appeal: Maybe a little limited, based on her pixelated appearance; however, never underestimate the attraction of the quiet, magical type.
Big Hair: She has the bouffant, 80s-era hairdo going. Less anime and more Xanadu.


Aeris / Aerith:
Motivation: Similar in motivation to Terra, Aeris is a humble flower girl and the last of a race of magic-focussed peoples.
Disposition: Quiet and patient, she comes across as sage and wise as a priestess. Therefore, her untimely demise is all the more shocking and profound.
Costume: Pretty in pink kind of sums it up - impossibly slender and simply dressed, Aeris comes across as the humble, girl-next-door flower merchant she is.
Sex Appeal: You'd better believe it. She's gorgeous in a flower-power, hippy kind of way - not as generously proportioned as Tifa but in some ways that adds to her simple charms.
Big Hair: A giant braided ponytail and big, pointy bangs - nothing screams 'anime' like impossible hairdos.


Motivation: She's a princess of a land that's being fought over and she's had enough. That's enough impetus to get her out of the throne room and onto the battlefield. Rocking.
Disposition: A tough-talking, no nonsense kind of gal. She presents herself as a ready and willing combatant, but beneath this lies a much softer core. Just the way we like it.
Costume: All kinds of hot pink and fluorescent blues adorn a modern-fantasy outfit. She pulls the 'battle-ready vixen' look off without a hitch.
Sex Appeal: With a more defined, tougher image, Ashe comes across as much more attractive in our opinions. A little more self-confidence, beyond that of the other two, goes a long way.
Big Hair: Not big, but a little more stylish than Terra's fluffly do. It continues Square Enix's trend towards realism in hair, as well as character design.


Winner: Ashe - We'd go with Aeris, but she's dead. And frankly, Ashe is the kind of gal you could take to a bar and buy a beer. We like that. That's hot.


Resi Evil 4 > Your fav game.
Jan 19, 2007
S.S Normandy
Part 3. Plucky Sidekicks..

Plucky Sidekick: Wakka vs. Zell vs. Balthier

Motivation: Loyal friend of Tidus and dedicated to the local 'religion' - blitzball, Wakka comes along for the ride after his brother is killed by Sin.
Disposition: Being a jock, it comes as no surprise that he's all about being tough and competitive. But Wakka comes across as a nice guy who gets in over his head in a cruddy situation.
Costume: Bright and keen oranges that resemble a blitzball uniform, crisscrossed with loads of unnecessary stitching and tubes.
Sex Appeal: Well, if you go for footballers and giants, then Wakka is your man.
Big Hair: This one's fantastic. A mound of bright orange hair, jutting upwards like a crown. This is about as ridiculous as you can get while staying in the realms of the possible.


Motivation: When he's not getting in fistfights and eating hotdogs, Zell is training to become a SeeD. That makes him a perfect shoo-in for sidekick material.
Disposition: He's definitely comic relief, and has a laidback attitude that works well to counter the sourness that Squall permeates in just about every scene he's in.
Costume: First of all, we love the tattoo - except, dude, it's on your face. What's going to happen when you're 86? Apart from that, he wears ¾ length baggy shorts, boxing gloves and looks the part of a street boxer to a tee.
Sex Appeal: He's the 'cool' member of the VIII line-up. He might not be the toughest and you can't really take him too seriously, but chicks dig guys with a sense of humour.
Big Hair: A little like Wakka's hairdo, Zell gels it up at the front and has a couple chunky spikes, reminiscent of Cloud.


Motivation: If the essence of James Bond could be distilled and fed into Final Fantasy, Balthier would be Pierce Brosnan. Only smoother, younger and cooler. He's a space pirate, and that's all the street-cred anyone could ever need.
Disposition: Casual and smooth, Balthier is a charmer and he knows it. That makes him fairly easy to get along with, judging by the reactions of the other characters - particularly the ladies.
Costume: Sophisticated, with a silk vest and thousand-dollar pants - it strikes us as a little wanky, but then, that's his character in a nutshell.
Sex Appeal: Unquestionably, Balthier is the smoothest operator this side of Midgar. He's all about the action and we're not talking about battles. And that's something we can really respect.
Big Hair: Not really 'big' per se, but it's definitely slicked back and sharp as a tack.


Winner: Balthier - He's cool in ways most other game characters can only dream of distantly, as they plod along through their digital lives.


Resi Evil 4 > Your fav game.
Jan 19, 2007
S.S Normandy
Part 4 evil doers and Part 5 oddalls

Warped Evil Do-er: Kefka vs. Sephiroth vs. The Judges

Motivation: The truly insane and evil have no need for motivation. They just do things, sometimes. Kefka, the painted and preened madman from VI, is just that sort of warped fellow. His tale is worth playing all of VI to unfold.
Disposition: He's a raving, psychotic lunatic. We don't like clowns and jesters at the best of times, and this just sealed the deal. His corruption by incredible magical forces left him nuts and he lives up to his reputation.
Costume: Red, white and 5 shades of crazy. Kefka looks like a warped and evil jester and it isn't the least bit subtle.
Sex Appeal: Erm, we suppose someone might find this guy hunky. Maybe.
Big Hair: We'll count his iconic red eyes and snow-white skin as a fair trade off - though, he does have a mass of blond hair too.

Motivation: It's personal and genetic. Sephiroth hates himself, others and everything. He's also not adverse to starting fires and killing beautiful innocent women with his masamune blade.
Disposition: He's brilliant, which makes him unstable and emotional. But not in that 'art student' kind of way. This is the kind of 'emotional' that leads people to commit atrocities.
Costume: Big black cape, silvery pauldrons and minimal armour, but loads of personality. Sephiroth comes across as the kind of guy you wouldn't want to make eye-contact with on the street.
Sex Appeal: He's a sad and sorry soul that would ultimately benefit from a few understanding cuddles from a mother-figure. Girls love the bad boys, too.
Big Hair: Heck yes - long and grey, with a thick, jutting strand at the front - he was destined to be mimicked for years to come by other evil characters.


The Judges:
Motivation: In Final Fantasy XII, there's an entire empire that is after your blood. In particular, the supreme lawmakers and military leaders, the 'Judges', Gabranth, Ghis, Drace, Zargabaath, and Bergan, are considered the harshest.
Disposition: Fanatical and despotic, the Judges are representatives of their oppressive nation and aren't particularly nice people. We would advise inviting them over for dinner to meet the family, for instance.
Costume: Suits of heavy plate armour and decorative helmets give off the impression of deserved authority and we're not ones to argue. They look damned cool.
Sex Appeal: There are people underneath the layers of metal, however, and we're sure they're just as attractive as their protective battle raiments. Of course, we wouldn't try to get close enough to find out.
Big Hair: Well, big helmets, anyhow.

[SIZE=-1]Judge Gabranth[/SIZE]

Winner: Kefka - He's a whack-job, no question. But he's also funny and evil and the kind of villain that shames most cinema creations. Sephiroth came close, though.

Oddballs: Cait Sith vs Quina vs. Fran

Cait Sith
Motivation: Cait Sith, without spoiling key plot points, is strictly a non-human character. A black cat sits on the back of a large, white dopey-looking beast. His appearance in FFVII is met with confusion.
Disposition: He's quirky and unpredictable, with a crooked streak running through him that is explained as the story progresses.
Costume: It's a cat. And a white thing. And they wander around in unison. It's just flat-out weird. But somehow, in the context of Gold Saucer casino and the rest of the game, it works.
Sex Appeal: Not really applicable, we'd wager. But you never know - there are some weirdos out there.
Big Hair: Alright, another category that doesn't really fit.

[SIZE=-1]Cait Sith[/SIZE]

Quina Quen:
Motivation: Quina is a Qu, and Qus love food. They love to cook it, the love to eat it. And they love to think about it. Quina marks one of the most unusual characters in the Final Fantasy universe and definitely the strangest in FFIX.
Dispostion: Endlessly hungry, but happy enough. Though, Quina's decisions are more often than not guided by growls of the stomach.
Costume: A giant chef's hat and apron suggest a passion for cooking. A giant tongue suggests Quina is a freak.
Sex Appeal: Quina is completely androgenous and that in itself is a little off-putting. But, behind that enormous tongue is an adorable being and, while definitely not sexy, it is appealing.
Big Hair: Again, not a good criteria for Quina - but that tongue...


Motivation: Smooth-talking Balthier's sidekick, Fran is a forest dweller by tradition of her people, but has since been excommunicated and now fights alongside Vaan and company.
Disposition: Initially cold and untrusting, Fran reveals her ability to sense the Mist that permeates throughout the land - a gift that is key to the story. She eventually warms as the story progresses.
Costume: Looking like some sort of bondage mistress with tremendous bunny ears and some fetching and shapely armour, we're big fans.
Sex Appeal: The ears might be a little off-putting, there is no denying that Fran is a stunner. Her combination of looks and battle skills make her a very attractive hare - as rabbit-people go.
Big Hair: We're leaning more towards big ears, but Fran's long white locks certainly qualify too. She's a stunner.


Winner: Fran - Sure, she's a bit out there, but egads! She's mighty fine, smart and tough. Sign us up.


Resi Evil 4 > Your fav game.
Jan 19, 2007
S.S Normandy
Bonus match, monsters

Bonus Cage Match: Monsters - Cactuar vs. Malboro vs. Tonberry

Do the Cactuar shuffle! Everybody! Cactuar, or Cactoid in XII, is a cactus-man, and if you can understand how this might be threatening (or, more likely, non-threatening) then, you'll appreciate the shock that comes from Cactuar's 1000 Needles attack. It's potent to say the least. Cactuar was also prominent enough to become a summonable creature in most of the later Final Fantasy titles, attacking with 10,000 needles. Nice.


Malboro, also featured in most of the Final Fantasy games at one point or another, is a right royal pain. It attacks with indiscriminate fury and its 'bad breath' attack doles out just about every kind of status affliction you can contract. For sheer difficulty alone, Malboro makes our list; perhaps not as iconic as Cactuar, but certainly just as worthy of recognition.


Tonberry, on the other hand, is a patient, subtle enemy. He lacks the manic animations of Cactuar and the ridiculous and overwhelming attacks of Malboro. However, this tortoise-chef (we're not sure why, either) grips a chef's knife - meek and unassuming as it appears - a deadly weapon all the same. It slices; it dices; it hits for 9999. But where is our beloved and accursed Tonberry in Final Fantasy XII? Apart from being the code name for an airship, it would appear he's conspicuously absent.


Winner: Cactuar - If only for the Cactuar pose alone, it gets our vote for favourite Final Fantasy monster.

Whew! That's it - that's our fairly open-ended cage-match. With less than a month before Final Fantasy XII is unleashed in Australia, brace yourself for more coverage and join your mates in the IGN AU forums for plenty of Final Fantasy chatter!


Resi Evil 4 > Your fav game.
Jan 19, 2007
S.S Normandy
no way, squall pwns them both. Squall has the single strongest attack in the series !.. Lionheart !!
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