Marketplace Rules

Marketplace Rules

With each passing day, PG's community grows rapidly and the members are offered a special deal with their membership that is the marketplace section.

With the community growing, the marketplace section also is rapidly growing from well-known sellers to hidden fraudulent.

So we, the Moderation Team of PG do our best to keep everything under control and ensure that you have the smoothest of experience when availing the marketplace services.

Here are some rules that you need to follow.

Failure to do so will result in a ban (temporary or permanent).

So please use this thread for guidance and to update yourself with the rules implemented.

1. Don't post anything in the marketplace section other than buying and selling offers related to electronics (mobile phones/LCDs/PC related etc), gaming related (consoles/games), memberships (with proof and legitimacy) and stuff like watches, movies etc in their proper sections. Failure to follow this rule will result in a 2weeks/14days ban.

Marketplace is currently divided into multiple sections

Consoles, Controllers and Accessories : Use this section to post offers related to consoles, games, their accessories or in short anything related to consoles.

 PC Components and Gaming Gear : Use this section to post offers related to PC and its hardware, PC games should also be posted here in this section (digital or physical media).

Laptops and Tablets (above 7 inch screen)

Mobile Phones & Accessories: 

Audio and Headphones

- Speakers, Hifi and home theater        - Headphones / Headset

Displays Monitors, TVs and VR  

Cameras and Accessories

Electronics and Gadgets

Lifestyle products



2. The prefix tags [Want To Buy]/[Want To Sell]/[Want To Trade] are there for your ease of use, so that when posting your offer, your audience should know that what service are you offering (buying, selling or trading) for your product.

Failure to do so will result in 3 warnings and then immediate deletion of the thread + 7 days ban will be imposed.

3. Traders MUST be able to deliver the merchandise as promised; in terms of the delivery period, merchandise’s contents, merchandise’s condition and etc.

4. Refrain from jeopardizing sales unnecessarily. However, you are encouraged to raise an alarm if you strongly believe a potential fraud is about to take place. Alternatively, report the post.

5. Don't try to spam by posting fake offers and advertising, your account will be deleted without any warning if we found that you are spamming and scamming in marketplace section.

6. Don't post off-topic replies or stupid comments in someone else's thread/topic, if you are not interested in the offer, then leave it and move to the next one ! If we find any off-topic replies which are not related to original topic, we will delete them, and if you keep on doing this in the Market Place section, then your account will get a permanent ban.

If you have an offer or are interested, contact the buyer/seller yourself, do not post in the thread asking them to contact you. Posts like reserved for me, what is your FnF etc are not allowed and will be deleted without any prior notification.

They indirectly bump up the thread which is not allowed.

7. Don't post the same item/product offer again, you may bump your old offer strictly after 4 days of posting and can edit it. If you feel like you need to post some info about your product, do so with your next bump, alternatively you can edit your first post (highly advised) with your latest bump containing the info you needed to convey.

8. Try to follow this universal PG format for selling:



Package includes:



Dealing method:


Contact method/details:

Item(s) conditions:



All the fields mentioned above are MANDATORY

9. When your item gets SOLD, contact your nearest marketplace mod so they can close the thread, otherwise in case of no activity within 12 days you get warning and then resulting in immediate closing of thread.

10. Including PICTURE(S) of the item you are selling/trading is MUST ! So that the buyer can see the condition for himself beforehand and to be safe from any fraud and confusion.

In short terms, NO PICTURE(S) = NO THREAD(S) !

Experienced members who have experience before in the marketplace section are to upload the original pictures within 20mins of their posting of the thread.

New members are to upload the picture(s) of the item(s) in 12hrs.

Failure to follow this rule will result in 3 warnings and then a ban of 2weeks/14days will be handed out.

Advice: Make it a habit of yours to take picture(s) beforehand before making and posting a thread.

This habit will save you from many things and hasslement.

Pictures are must in order to maintain the thread and to sell items. You will have to take atleast one picture containing the product you are selling/trading and your PG user name written on a piece of paper beside the item(THIS IS COMPULSORY IF YOU HAVE A TRADER RATING OF LESS THAN 4), so that we can be sure its not ripped off from internet and other users(read= potential buyers) are sure that the product is available, failure to do so may result in a permanent ban. Third Party links will be deleted without intimation.

Tip: It is better to upload picture(s) to a image hosting site like:

Lastly, will be not responsible if someone ripped you off or you bought something broken/fake, so be careful before buying anything it's all your responsibility. We are a platform, we dont handle your money or product. However we do try our best to keep an eye on fake/scam offers and usually delete any such offer we think it's fake as soon as it's been posted.

11. Special services like rental threads, modding threads etc and bulk selling and SELLING AS A BUSINESS is STRICTLY PROHIBITED !

If you want to sell in bulk and/or want to offer a service then we have a premium marketplace membership available. 

12. If anyone is found arguing regarding the price of an item then he/she will receive an infraction/ban (as the seller is not forcing anyone to buy his/her product).If posts are found saying " Price too high..." "Decrease your price" in the forum you will be asked to explain yourself, failure to do so may result in an infraction/ban.

If you have any inquires/offers/negotiating or anything else, PM/VM/Call/SMS the seller/buyer/trader.

Failure to follow this rule will result in a 2weeks/14days ban.

If you have any problem with a thread/post, there's a Report Post button in the bottom left of every post, it is there for your ease and use it to alert the moderators of any suspicious activity or if seeing anyone not following the rules.


Posts like "Read the rules, upload pictures, post demand etc" will be deleted without any notification !

3 or more infractions will result in a ban of 1week/7days.

14. PRE-ORDERING or any other threads that involve getting the product in future are not allowed anymore.

If you have the said products in your possession, only then you are allowed to post a thread with necessary picture(s) included for proof.

PSN Game Sharing has been allowed but only old trusted members with a trader score of 20+ can post gamesharing threads without contacting a mod first, to avoid scams as it involves future buying...

Also only those members having either a trader score of 20 (100%) or 1000 posts are eligible to make gamesharing threads...

For new members having trader score less than 20+ or posts less than 1000+, you are to PM a marketplace mod with these details first in order to post a gamesharing thread:

And if you have purchased a game or games/stuff and want to share with other people, upload the pictures of the account along with your nickname written on a piece of paper beside the downloading list....

Also only "ONE" Gameshare thread per "TWO" weeks is allowed...

Gameshare thread will use up your quota of 2 threads per section...

So if you put up a gameshare thread and another thread, your quota will be used, which will be restored after 3 days BUT you can put another gameshare thread only after TWO weeks, get it?

Please plan ahead and group together and post similar items on sale or to buy in a single thread rather than creating an individual thread for the items of the same category.

16. When selling game keys for PC games, it is necessary that you mention the source of the key.

1. Steam itself doesn't sell KEYS.
2. These keys are acquired from promos or 3rd party sources.
3. In some cases wrong keys are bought with fake CC.
4. This results in an instant ban of account where this key is activated.

So for example a person has a 20000 rs account. And if he activates this fake key. His whole account is blocked for counterfeit and fraud and that fake seller will get away with money. So IT IS EXTREMELY NECESSARY for anyone selling STEAM key, they should mention the source and the proof.

17. When selling game cards (PSN card, XBOX LIVE cards, WoW cards etc)...

It is necessary for you to post the real picture of the card in your possession (scanned or taken by a camera). What you will do is use any image editing software of your choice (e.g. paint) and BLACKOUT the code part from the image(s).

This way your code will be secure.

If you got the code in your email or on your PC like in notepad, screen-cap the email/notepad along with the code and again BLACKOUT the code part and then upload the pic after being 100% sure that the code is hidden and hasn't been missed...

Market Place Trader Score

You can start rating the other members by clicking on trader score tag but use it with care as this feature is included for your own convenience where trust factor is the main issue behind unpleasant deals. Please do write the comments that the member deserve so one can judge him/her as honest or fraud seller or buyer accordingly..

Deal Back Off's:

I. If the seller intends to withdraw his item/product, then he/she should do it before the final deal agreement, else if the deal executes. The seller will be compensating for the loss and will not be permitted to post any of his items for 14 days.

II. If the buyer refuses an agreed deal. Either he should compensate the loss to the seller or accept a 14 Days Ban ( On Proper Justification Query )

III. A seller has full right to ask for token money for reserving his item or if the buyer wants to have the product shipped first, the seller has full right to first ask for security deposit as it is the seller's item.

No buyer can force/argue with the seller to have the product reserved without money or ship it first, else the arguer will serve a ban of 14days/2weeks.

Alternatively, a seller can refuse to reserve the product and/or to ship the product first to the buyer even if token money/security deposit is being made, as it is the seller's item and he/she has full right to it.

No buyer can force the seller to either reserve the item or ship it first if the seller disagrees, else the forcing party will serve a ban of 30days!

Also, if a seller fails to collect token money/security deposit and ships the item first and then the buyer runs off or pays less than what was finalized, the buyer won't be held responsible for anything as it would be the seller's fault in this matter.

The token money will be deducted from the finalized deal between the two parties to which they agreed upon.

Irrelevant Replies

NO ONE is allowed to post in the offer/thread posted in the Market Place section about anything. The only condition that someone else other than the Thread Creator is allowed to post in the thread is that if you have link of YOUR OWN thread selling/trading the same item OP is looking for.

Do not post anything in the thread else. Every conversation/tips/offers etc are to be done via PM/VM/SMS/CALL. If you think that someone is selling fake or something at very un-normal price then it's your right to reply there so other members become alert too and avoid buying it, or simply report such member to one of the Market Place moderators directly or to global moderators/admins.

No Irrelevant Replies will be tolerated like :

i) Hey Cool Offer man, best of luck selling it.

iii) You are selling it at quite at over-priced rate.

iv) Good offer ABCDX but I don't have a money to buy it but I will had bought it from you when I had the money.


If we catch someone violating this rule then a ban will be given without any warning for X days for may be on permanent basis. Lastly before accusing someone for any reason. Please Note, That A proper justified matter is required.

Why is your Thread closed?

There a lot of threads closed recently. If you were the creator of the thread and wondering why your thread is closed then I have closed them for four major reasons (threads will be closed without intimation):

I. No pictures:-

Upload pictures. No excuses like no cam, busy, dog died, cat not drinking milk, girlfriend ran away etc etc. Post original pictures of the item that you intend to sell. (Creating another thread will result in an account ban. If you want to upload the pictures just PM any marketplace mod).

II. Frequent Bumping:-

It is clearly written in the market place rules that bumping is allowed after 4days. Sticky threads are not allowed to bump. So either follow the rules or get your threads closed. (Creating another thread will result in an account ban. Your thread will be reopened after 4 days of last bump if you PM the mods).

Bump only after 4 days have been passed after the last post, that last post could be your last bump or anyone else who has posted in the thread.

III. Location:-

Threads with no location mentioned will be closed as to reduce the queries like "What's your location?"

IV. Demand:-

Mention your demand so that the buyer may offer you accordingly. Otherwise get ready for ridiculous offers.

V. Services:-

Like stated above that no threads which allow services like renting/modding etc are allowed.

If you have a service to offer, buy a premium membership, simple.

VI. Gamesharing/Pre-orders:-

No longer allowed, so if you post a thread and it gets closed, then no need to create a scene, just come back here and see the rule.

VII. Bulkselling:-

Bulk selling is strictly prohibited and the thread will be closed without any notification.

If you want to sell in bulk, then please get the premium membership for the marketplace section.

Please DO NOT impersonate a Staff Member and if we find out that you are guilty of the charge, we have the right to report you the legal authorities.

Advice on how to stay safe from fraud

Due to rapid growth of the marketplace, you are never safe from scams/frauds etc.

To stay safe and to help your case against them, you can do the following:

1. Whenever you are set out to deal, whether buying or selling, from the first PM/SMS/VM/Call till the last deal closing one, SAVE the PMs/SMSes/VMs and calls (if possible to save calls).

This will ensure that if (khudanakhasta) a deal goes sour, you can then have proof of the deal that you made and can build a case against the guy.

2. Always check out the trader score, but don't rely 100% on the trader score, use your common sense too and try to ask around about the guy you're about to deal with.

This will give you a general idea about how the guy is etc.

3. Always triple check 'too good to be true' true deals, many of our esteemed members tend to provide you with the lowest of prices but others can also use this tactic to lure you into a scam/fraud.

4. It is always better to contact the mods and the admin first before making a public scene. If the charges are proved wrong and on top of that you are found guilty then it will bring nothing but shame and humiliation and maybe a permanent ban.

Advice On How To Properly Add Titles When Selling Console Games:

When selling/buying/trading console games, make it a habit of yours to follow this format:

[Proper Tag - WTS/WTB/WTT] [Console Platform] <Title of the game> [Region (if applicable)]


[WTS]: [PS3] Killzone 3 [Region 2]

This will tell the buyer/seller/trader at first glance that what platform game is being sold and what region it is...

It will help buyers considerably as well.

This format is NOT MANDATORY but is advisable.




General chit-chat
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We have disabled traderscore and are working on a fix. There was a bug with the plugin | Click for Discord
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  • iampasha iampasha:
    faraany3k said:
    finished already. Will go with Re4
    have fun
  • faraany3k faraany3k:
    iampasha said:
    Also don't forget dead space remake. Imo the strongest in the horror trio.
    finished already. Will go with Re4
    • Like
    Reactions: iampasha
  • iampasha iampasha:
    Also don't forget dead space remake. Imo the strongest in the horror trio.
  • iampasha iampasha:
    Defo re4 first. Because Alan wake 2 will spoil you with it graphics
  • IzHee IzHee:
    Resident Evil 4 remake with separate ways amd Alan Wake later on and once all DLC releases for Alan Wake 2, pick that one up.
    • Like
    Reactions: faraany3k
  • faraany3k faraany3k:
    Resi 4 remaster vs Alan Wake. Which one should i play first.
  • L LegacyGamerGuy:
    PS 5 Pro announced today. While I was impressed with the value - 4K at 60 FPS in quality mode for recent games, the price is too high. PS4 Pro cost just $399 at launch. The price of the PS5 Pro version seems to show Sony is returning to its haughty attitude of the PS3 era. I think the console with a disk drive will cost $1000-$1200 in Pakistan. For most, PC gaming onlyis increasingly becoming a more attractive proposition.
  • A alisagheer702:
    waiting i need it urgent
  • A alisagheer702:
    does anybody have dslg225 t2? firmware
  • Link
  • L LegacyGamerGuy:
    Two exclusive games (limited exclusive) with MC score 92+ in 2024. Not bad Sony. Not bad indeed.
  • L LegacyGamerGuy:
    Ordered today for my kid. He is a huge Astrobot fan second only to Mario.
  • L LegacyGamerGuy:
    Asyrobot just launched today and oh boy, 94 meta critic score - universal acclaim. Team Asobi - well done. Sony Japan
    • Like
    Reactions: SolitarySoldier
  • SolitarySoldier SolitarySoldier:
    They could have shipped all these SP sequels on PC as well. But they wanted a piece of the PC market AND the live service market at the same time. I think that turned out a bit too much for them.
    • Like
    Reactions: LegacyGamerGuy
  • SolitarySoldier SolitarySoldier:
    Aside from this, Sony and PS5 could have been great even with sequels to existing games like Ghost of Tsushima, Uncharted, GOW, TLOU, Infamous, LBP/Sackboy, maybe dead ones like Resistance, Jak, etc. It seems that they've been trying to focus on the live service model instead at the cost of SP games and exclusivity. It hasn't worked out well (except for Helldivers 2) and most of this gen is over. I don't see the point of this divergence from their established brand and strategy, especially at the cost of new SP games, few of which will now see the light of day this gen.
  • SolitarySoldier SolitarySoldier:
    Sure, big shots like RDR2 and Elden Ring are also great and I love them as much as the next person but at some level, I feel like I can get something close to that in movies and TV. There's something unique about great platformers in terms of stress-free/joyful interactivity and immersion that a heavy story or challenging gameplay doesn't have. Again, the latter is great too but the former more accurately defines gaming for me.
  • SolitarySoldier SolitarySoldier:
    Astro Bot will redeem PS5 for me. Ratchet and Astro Playroom did it as well. I may have a preference for platformers but this kind of pure fun games is what gaming started out as and what remains the most enjoyable part of it for me.
    • Like
    Reactions: LegacyGamerGuy
  • XPremiuM XPremiuM:
    Yeah, Concord & Suicide Squad were utter failures due to being woke as hell. These western devs keep digging their own graves. They don't get the message that the masses don't want woke nonsense in games (or any other entertainment medium for that matter). Japanese games are less woke than American ones, but they're still not completely woke-free because they mostly target American audience. If you want truly unwoke content, try Chinese & Korean games. Black Myth: Wukong & Steller Blade are two of the biggest hits in gaming recently, and they came from China & Korea respectively. They're all the rage these days & completely free from this woke nonsense. I reckon American studios have no future in gaming unless they change their ways. Asian studios on the other hand are on the path to success. Not only is this great for gamers in general. It is also great for us Asians. :cool:
    • Like
    Reactions: LegacyGamerGuy
  • L LegacyGamerGuy:
    Also, it's not just Capcom. Almost all Japanese devs are doing a stellar job and keeping the gaming world alive - FromSoft, Namco, and Nintendo. American/European developers have turned a blind eye to what gamers want and solely focus on squeezing maximum amount from gamers. They suck!
  • L LegacyGamerGuy:
    I believe Sony America should shut down and converted to Sony Japan. Then we can expect good quality games and not woke propaganda. One of the reasons for failure of Concord as per Reddit comments is woke/gay characters with they/them pronouns. Same is the reason Overwatch 2 has been a failure - they are targeting the wrong target market.
  • faraany3k faraany3k:
    There are like 3 years left for Ps5 and Series consoles but they are yet to deliver anything memorable. I think only company that is really going decent is Capcom.
    • Like
    Reactions: iampasha
  • faraany3k faraany3k:
    Concord the biggest disaster in gaming.
    • Like
    Reactions: iampasha
  • iampasha iampasha:
    Tienamen square massacre
  • D dabai001:
    Who can contact the community founder? Contact me and get a reward
  • D dabai001:
    Who can contact the community founder? Contact me and get a reward
    iampasha iampasha: finished already. Will go with Re4 have fun